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Approximate Charges For a php programmer


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depends on your age, your function, the country you live in, and sometimes even what your sex is!!!

in some country's male's earn more money then female's by default :o  :o


maybe you should go to the PHP FREELANCE forum for this kind of questions.

this isnt really a question you should be placing on a PHP HELP forum.








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I'm still at my first job and pulling in $32.50 USD / hour currently.  I could realistically work somewhere else and earn $40-50 / hour as cmgmyr says he does, but I like working here.


The position was advertised as entry-level, but I'm the sole developer of our application and that means I get to do a lot.  When it comes to our product, I am the end-all be-all; I do all of the design, implementing, maintenance, research, testing, server setup, etc. and I only have to drive about 10 min from my house to do it.  That beats the Hell out of working in a larger company, earning more, but having to document hundreds of lines of other peoples' code in a true entry-level position.


I'll (supposedly) have a B.S. in computer science and a minor in physics after this semester as well, but only time will tell on that one.

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