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C# and Web Application Programming

Liquid Fire

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You can build an application... which thorpe is completely correct on.  However, and maybe thorpe can correct me... but C# doesn't have the ability to display content to a browser (it can create the HTML, etc)... you still have to use HTML/CSS/etc to interact with your clientele.

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but I would not have to use ASP or anything like that, right?


ASP isn't a language, if thats what your getting at. If you build a web application in C# using the .NET framework, yes it will be ASP.NET.


you still have to use HTML/CSS/etc to interact with your clientele.

And yes, just as PHP works, C# just outputs strings. If you format these strings as html, you can build web pages with it.

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So I would not have to use any other language other than C# to output html to the scre

but I would not have to use ASP or anything like that, right?


ASP isn't a language, if thats what your getting at. If you build a web application in C# using the .NET framework, yes it will be ASP.NET.


you still have to use HTML/CSS/etc to interact with your clientele.

And yes, just as PHP works, C# just outputs strings. If you format these strings as html, you can build web pages with it.


So I would not have to use any other language to output html to the screen other than C#.  and I meant a language like PHP(I though PHP and ASP were both web languages, is that wrong?).

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I thought C# was a language you could use on the web like php.  I have seen people claim in there portfolio (for a website) they had had used C# to create an entire custom CMS to give the site the most power it could have.  In the end someone just said up there, that C# can't output to the browser like PHP can, but only outputs HTML.  I thought it would be just like PHP to learn.

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I though PHP and ASP were both web languages, is that wrong?


ASP isn't a language per say. You can write ASP (Active server pages) in many different languages. ASP just provides the framework, and ASP.NET is the latest version of that framework.


In the end someone just said up there, that C# can't output to the browser like PHP can, but only outputs HTML.


You read that wrong.

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In the end someone just said up there, that C# can't output to the browser like PHP can, but only outputs HTML.

umm... I though that PHP just outputted HTML too?



So basically all i need is C# to program web application, but the C# is going to have ASP code in it.

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You can build an application... which thorpe is completely correct on.  However, and maybe thorpe can correct me... but C# doesn't have the ability to display content to a browser (it can create the HTML, etc)... you still have to use HTML/CSS/etc to interact with your clientele.

So that's what I was basing it off of.

I know php can also output other languages (I know this for a fact), because it can pass through PHP to parse C# (what I read.)

Ah forget it, not ready to get into c# yet, have fun.

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Wait, THAT'S why I have heard bad things about C#.  So basically C+ (the language php was written in and how you build it's extensions) was something that is used differently.

The C# language is the one that really isn't as powerful as C+, it's not been out as long, and it's owned by Microsoft, so you also have to go through the burden of having ASP.

(I am not trying to take over this post, just contributing what I just thought of), some very interesting thoughts in this specific post.

As far as web programing (to the original poster) wouldn't you rather use C+ instead of c# to do that, because you don't have the same restrictions.

THe CMS someone told me they created that was in C+ as opposed to C#, I had them confused.

Very interesting stuff.

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Time to clear up the c\c+\C++\c#.


C+ is not a language.

C++ means $c++ as in C plus one


php is written in C (no pluses)


C\C++ are compiled to binary while C# is compiled to byte code. C# has more in common with java than php or C++


Writing webpages in C and C++ is not practical and if it was then we would not be using php right now.

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No one is using C++ to write web applications, thats rediculous. PHP is written in C, not C++. And C# IS very powerfull, and does NOT rely on ASP unless you want to build web applications with it.


Sorry Bussi, but your WAY off track.


But to answer your question liquid fire, no you can not use Apache. C# creates asp.net web applications. This is a MS tech.

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Well php it is then, I plan that the servers I will be running are going to be Linux since I don't want to fork over the money to buy Windows Server OS and don't think it is that great to running a pure web server on the normal Windows OS, I only do that I my own machine for test server.

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Sheeesh. Well, yeah, the .NET framework (needed to write web applications in C#) is windows based.


There is a Linux port of C# called mono, but Im not sure there is an Apache mod for it as yet.

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You might want to look into python and Ruby before picking php.


Still they don't really have the same momentum in the web area. Especially Python. Don't get me wrong, Python is my new favourite language, I just don't think its really meant for the web.

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