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C# and Web Application Programming

Liquid Fire

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but momentum is largely due to popularity and popularity is never an accurate measure of quality. I agree php is simpler for people to learn for web stuff, but I just thought he should check it out before he commits to php, as he may regret it later. But  that said Ruby On Rails has quite a bit of momentum, but will be harder to learn than say php. Everything has its trade off. 

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Damn. I really, REALLY wanted to thank you.

Time to clear up the c\c+\C++\c#.


C+ is not a language.

C++ means $c++ as in C plus one


php is written in C (no pluses)


C\C++ are compiled to binary while C# is compiled to byte code. C# has more in common with java than php or C++


Writing webpages in C and C++ is not practical and if it was then we would not be using php right now.

That cleared up about 20-30 "uncertanties" I had with some of those languages.  That really helps put a lot of things into perspective.


No one is using C++ to write web applications, thats rediculous. PHP is written in C, not C++. And C# IS very powerfull, and does NOT rely on ASP unless you want to build web applications with it.


Sorry Bussi, but your WAY off track.


But to answer your question liquid fire, no you can not use Apache. C# creates asp.net web applications. This is a MS tech.

Thanks for clearing that up.

I learnt a lot in this post even though it wasn't mine, thanks a lot.

I am bowwing out now, so you can continue your discussion, good luck with your issue.

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but momentum is largely due to popularity and popularity is never an accurate measure of quality. I agree php is simpler for people to learn for web stuff, but I just thought he should check it out before he commits to php, as he may regret it later. But  that said Ruby On Rails has quite a bit of momentum, but will be harder to learn than say php. Everything has its trade off. 

Why would I regret PHP over Ruby(not ruby on rails becuase that is a framework and comparing a framework to a language is just not fair)?  PHP and Ruby have been around the same amount of time but Ruby is now onyl coming to light becuase of the Rails framework.  if you arguement is that ruby has rails, well PHP has CodeIgnitor or Cake to name a few.  I have taken a look at ruby as well the syntax is very old looking to mean as I am also a C++ programmer(PHP syntax is much closer to C++).  Also about the framework, for the project I am doing, I already have written my own MySQL code and form creation/validation code.  I don't think the frameworks are going to provide me anything I really want be I don't mind written the back end code for the application.  So again why would I regret PHP on Ruby, just want your opinion?


Also what trade off are you taking about.  I mena I think PHP even runs faster than Ruby(even if just alittle).

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I said what I said because If I went back in time and knew about python I would of chosen that over php, the advantages are you can create more than webpages and you can also create webpages very well. Python is a better designed language than php (not to dis php, it just happens to be true)


If you do something like python you can do 3d\apps\webpages, you are not just limited to webpages. And why on a technical level php CAN DO 3d and CAN DO GTK apps. Just because you CAN do it does not mean you should do it.


Also, I think python is a better language then ruby so if I don't defend ruby, its because I have chosen php with a bit of python on the side (not ruby). I just thought it was worth checking out before you committed your self to learning php for obvious reasons. I was not saying ruby\python are better choices, just that they are worth a look (especially python) before committing as committing to learning a new language as learning a new language is a big undertaking.




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wel first of all, if you are not trying to promote python as a better language than you are doing a bad job at it.  Second of all I am am building is a Web Application(really just a web interface into my MySQL database data) so there is no reason to look at python for me(I will tel you why is a second).  PHP is specifically written for web development and think it is better for development a website for the following reason.  The best way I can explain this is through an example.  Let say you have a printer and then you have a mutliple purpose phone/fax/copier/scanner/printer.  Which do you think is going to print better?  I would think the device that only prints since the more something can do, generally it has less quailty than something that does one thing.  Python(from what you have told me) is not specific designed for web programming so unless I need the extra thing python can do, which I don't, I think PHP will do better with web programming.


Secondly you miss understood me.  I already know PHP very well.  Infact I don't understand Python at all(so I am sorry if I am wrong about anything above that refers to python).  I was just wondering is C# would be more usually here since it is more powerful than PHP and I might be learning it anyways for another project I am invloved with, almost as powerful as C++ infact.


Thanks for the input tho.

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Like I said I am not trying to covert anyone I am not preaching, I was just saying I thought it was worth being aware of it before committing to something, nothing more.


Your argument about php was designed for the web is flawed because all the functionality that php brings to the table is nothing more than a framework that can be written for any other programming language. This is why web development in most other languages comes in the form of a framework.


And yes you are right, I got the wrong impression maybe from reading the topic from the bottom up. I read it as if you were going to pick a new language to learn, and thats why I said what I said.


About what you said about languages "being more powerful", that is very relative and you could say it about all programming languages that in common use.


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The more I read about Sharepoint the more I think it is a really nice technology.  I've watched a quick demo and everything is drag and drop making for a great corporate intranet.  I don't think you have to know c# to really make use of it, but it may help for more advanced stuff.

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I disagree.  This works great for an intranet set that you need to give staff access to.  It would be a great deal of work to create something similar.  I also like the integration with active directory.  What in particular do you not like?  It's certainly far more than a fileserver.  It seems like a well integrated content management system with file server abilities.

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How about the ability to post data without it being in a file?  That's my biggest problem with it.  It's not a CMS.  It's a file server with a front end.  And it's buggy as hell.

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