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I'm using mysql_real_escape_string so that when people post a comment on my website, it won't mess up the message if you type in a ' or space down more than once.


However, when it outputs it back onto the page, it doesn't correct it to show the new space downs and removes \'s. How do you replace \n's with <br>'s and completely remove \'s

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mysql_real_escape_string really has nothing to do with line breaks. If you're wanting to get rid of backslashes that may have been added on insert, though, run your string through stripslashes() before you echo it out to the screen.

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If i'm doing something like


$template->assign_block_vars('bug_info', array(
		'ROW_ID' => $myrow2["id"],
		'ROW_VERSION' => $myrow2["version"],
		'ROW_USERNAME' => $myrow2["name"],
		'ROW_BUG' => $myrow2["bug"],
		'ROW_STATUS' => $myrow2["status"],
		'ROW_COMMENTS' => $myrow2["comments"],
		'ROW_MYNAME' => $user->data['username'],

Would I do...


$template->assign_block_vars('bug_info', array(
		'ROW_ID' => $myrow2["id"],
		'ROW_VERSION' => $myrow2["version"],
		'ROW_USERNAME' => $myrow2["name"],
		'ROW_BUG' => $myrow2[stripslashes("bug")],
		'ROW_STATUS' => $myrow2["status"],
		'ROW_COMMENTS' => $myrow2["comments"],
		'ROW_MYNAME' => $user->data['username'],

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'ROW_BUG' => nl2br($myrow2['bug']),


Doesn't work. Maybe I should do a str_replace? If so, how should I go about doing it for this instance.


It should work just fine. That's what the function is built to do. The two functions suggested are not mutually exclusive, however, and they should be used together to get the total result you are after.


If you are still not getting the results you want, you may need to explain what you're after a little more clearly or post the relevant code and comparative output for what you want and what you are getting.

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define('IN_PHPBB', true); // we tell the page that it's going to be using phpBB, this is important.
$phpbb_root_path = './forums/'; // See phpbb_root_path documentation
$phpEx = substr(strrchr(__FILE__, '.'), 1); // Set the File extension for page-wide usage.
include($phpbb_root_path . 'common.' . $phpEx); // include the common.php file, this is important, especially for database connects.
// Start session management -- This will begin the session for the user browsing this page.

$auth->acl($user->data);// Language file (see documentation related to language files)
$user->setup('mypage');/*** All of your coding will be here, setting up vars, database selects, inserts, etc...*/
// Set the filename of the template you want to use for this file.
'body' => 'mytemplate_body.html') // template file name -- See Templates Documentation

$submit 	= (isset($_POST['post'])) ? true : false; //Submit values
$submit_edit = (isset($_POST['post_edit'])); //Submit values
$view 		= (isset($_GET['view'])); //View values
$name 	= $user->data['username'];
$name_edit 	= request_var('name_edit', '', true);
$version 	= request_var('version', '', true);
$bug		= request_var('bug', '', true);
$status		= request_var('status', '', true);
$id			= request_var('id', '', true);
$comments	= request_var('comments', '', true);
$edit 		= (isset($_GET['edit'])) ? intval($_GET['edit']) : 0; //Edit the bug
$fixed 		= (isset($_GET['fixed'])) ? intval($_GET['fixed']) : 0; //Fixed the bug
$delete 	= (isset($_GET['delete'])) ? intval($_GET['delete']) : 0;; //Remove the bug (spam? stupid? un-needed?)
$fixed_var	= "Fixed by";

// A typical usage for sending your variables to your template.
'BUG' => $user->lang['BUG'],
   'TEXT_VAR' => $user->lang['TEXT_VAR'],   
'CM_VERSION' => $user->lang['CM_VERSION'],
'YOUR_NAME' => $user->lang['YOUR_NAME'],
'EXPLAIN_BUG' => $user->lang['EXPLAIN_BUG'],
'SUBMITED_BUG' => $user->lang['SUBMITED_BUG'],
'TITLE_VIEWING' => $user->lang['TITLE_VIEWING'],
'BUG_FIXED' => $user->lang['BUG_FIXED'],
'SUBMITED_EDIT' => $user->lang['SUBMITED_EDIT'],
'NOT_LOGGED_IN' => $user->lang['NOT_LOGGED_IN'],
));// Output the page

if ($user->data['is_registered']){
		'S_LOGIN'		=> true,
else {
		'S_NOT_LOGIN'		=> true,

if ($user->data['group_id'] == "7"){ //Clan Mod developing team is 7. Change this as needed.
		'S_ADMIN'		=> true,

//     FIXED
if (!$delete && !$submit_edit && $fixed && !$submit && !$view){ //We have fixed the bug.
$sql3 = "UPDATE cm_bugreport SET status = '$fixed_var " . $user->data['username'] . "' WHERE id = '$fixed'";

		'S_REPORTING'		=> false,
		'S_DONE'			=> false,
		'S_VIEWING'			=> false,
		'S_BUG_FIXED'		=> true,
		'S_IS_EDITING'		=> false,
		'S_DONE_EDITING'	=> false,
		'S_REMOVED'			=> false,

//     DELETED
if ($delete && !$submit_edit && !$fixed && !$submit && !$view){ //We must remove this bug.
$sql6 = "DELETE FROM cm_bugreport WHERE id = '$delete'";

		'S_REPORTING'		=> false,
		'S_DONE'			=> false,
		'S_VIEWING'			=> false,
		'S_BUG_FIXED'		=> false,
		'S_IS_EDITING'		=> false,
		'S_DONE_EDITING'	=> false,
		'S_REMOVED'			=> true,

//     EDITING
if (!$delete && !$submit_edit && $edit && !$fixed && !$submit && !$view){ //We have fixed the bug.
$sql4 = "SELECT * FROM cm_bugreport WHERE id = '$edit'";
$result4 = $db->sql_query($sql4);

while ($myrow4 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result4)){
		'ROW_ID' => $myrow4["id"],
		'ROW_VERSION' => $myrow4["version"],
		'ROW_USERNAME' => $myrow4["name"],
		'ROW_BUG' => $myrow4["bug"],
		'ROW_STATUS' => $myrow4["status"],
		'ROW_COMMENTS' => $myrow4["comments"],
		'S_REPORTING'		=> false,
		'S_DONE'			=> false,
		'S_VIEWING'			=> false,
		'S_BUG_FIXED'		=> false,
		'S_IS_EDITING'		=> true,
		'S_DONE_EDITING'	=> false,
		'S_REMOVED'			=> false,

if (!$delete && $submit_edit && !$fixed && !$submit && !$view){
		$sql5 = "UPDATE cm_bugreport SET version = '". mysql_real_escape_string("$version") ."', name = '". mysql_real_escape_string("$name_edit") ."', bug = '". mysql_real_escape_string("$bug") ."', status = '". mysql_real_escape_string("$status") ."', comments = '". mysql_real_escape_string("$comments") ."' WHERE id = '$id'";

		'S_REPORTING'		=> false,
		'S_DONE'			=> false,
		'S_VIEWING'			=> false,
		'S_BUG_FIXED'		=> false,
		'S_IS_EDITING'		=> false,
		'S_DONE_EDITING'	=> true,
		'S_REMOVED'			=> false,

if (!$delete && !$submit_edit && !$edit && !$fixed && $submit && !$view){ //We have submited our bug, and we are done.
		$sql = 'INSERT INTO cm_bugreport' . $db->sql_build_array('INSERT', array(
			'name'		=> $name,
			'version'	=> $version,
			'bug'		=> mysql_real_escape_string("$bug"),
			'status'	=> $status)

		'S_REPORTING'		=> false,
		'S_DONE'			=> true,
		'S_VIEWING'			=> false,
		'S_BUG_FIXED'		=> false,
		'S_IS_EDITING'		=> false,
		'S_DONE_EDITING'	=> false,
		'S_REMOVED'			=> false,

else if (!$delete && !$submit_edit && !$edit && !$fixed && !$submit && !$view) { //Lets submit a bug!
		'S_REPORTING'		=> true,
		'S_DONE'			=> false,
		'S_VIEWING'			=> false,
		'S_BUG_FIXED'		=> false,
		'S_IS_EDITING'		=> false,
		'S_DONE_EDITING'	=> false,
		'S_REMOVED'			=> false,

//     VIEWING
else if (!$delete && !$submit_edit && !$edit && !$fixed && $view && !$submit) { //We are viewing the bugs that are already submited.
$sql2 = 'SELECT * FROM cm_bugreport ORDER BY id DESC';
$result2 = $db->sql_query($sql2);

		'S_REPORTING'		=> false,
		'S_DONE'			=> false,
		'S_VIEWING'			=> true,
		'S_BUG_FIXED'		=> false,
		'S_IS_EDITING'		=> false,
		'S_DONE_EDITING'	=> false,
		'S_REMOVED'			=> false,
while ($myrow2 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result2)){
$template->assign_block_vars('bug_info', array(
		'ROW_ID' => $myrow2["id"],
		'ROW_VERSION' => $myrow2["version"],
		'ROW_USERNAME' => $myrow2["name"],
		'ROW_BUG' => nl2br($myrow2["bug"]),
		'ROW_STATUS' => $myrow2["status"],
		'ROW_COMMENTS' => $myrow2["comments"],
		'ROW_MYNAME' => $user->data['username'],

// Finish the script, display the page

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yes, it's a start


What? No, im wondering how to make it so the \n's become BR's and make the \'s go away. All at the same time. How would you make a str_replace in this area.


$template->assign_block_vars('bug_info', array(
		'ROW_ID' => $myrow2["id"],
		'ROW_VERSION' => $myrow2["version"],
		'ROW_USERNAME' => $myrow2["name"],
		'ROW_BUG' => $myrow2[stripslashes("bug")],
		'ROW_STATUS' => $myrow2["status"],
		'ROW_COMMENTS' => $myrow2["comments"],
		'ROW_MYNAME' => $user->data['username'],

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