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Where to next? *Seeking Guidance*


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OK.. So for the past 5-6 months I've been working strictly with PHP/MySQL. I'm fairly well bound with the knowledge and feel like I need to expand to something new. What would be the most logical programming language to come next? (I already mastered HTML/CSS :P) Now what? ???


I was thinking these options:


  • C#
  • Java
  • C++


Any recommendations?

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What would be the most logical programming language to come next?


This depends on what you're dealing with. Do you want to do more web development? Application development? Game development? Data munging?


What about encodings and internationalization, or becoming more familiar with applications--MySQL, for example.

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If you are a master at CSS, PHP, HTML, and MYSQL, why not make a website? 8) Its a great challenge and its fun! While making the site you might find other languages that interest you. Like Javascript.


If you aren't looking into web developmet, then regard my comment.

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