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Northern Lights Technology: Programming and Development


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To be honest, I think it looks like crap for a web designing company. I would expect something extrodinaory if I wanted to be your client. It seriously looks generic and standard - unless you want that. I don't dig the hover effect on the links. Oh, and don't use AJAX, I don't see why YOU HAVE TO, just use CSS! ;)

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How bright!


There is a hell of a lot of blue on that site! Maybe the background (not the menu, body and maybe not the title) tone down to a much darker color because as it is I feel everything is shouting at me. You've used quite a bright blue and with white text it isn't really that clear.


I'm running 1280x1024 and even with having a large display area I think the menu is far too wide and the gaps between the options are a little much. As you have the page title saying "Northern Lights Technology" I really don't feel there is any need to have this repeated in the menu. Maybe the word "Menu" or "Navigation" instead or nothing at all.


Another problem I've noticed is the navgation itself. I've just clicked to view a portfolio and then clicked to view business portfolio and I can't use the back button! I know it's wrong to point this out but the reality is that people like to use the back button. I do and a lot of my friends do but I guess this is one of the disadvantages of AJAX.


On the "Contact Info" page do you really want your email address available like that for bots to grab? I was browsing the net earlier looking for stuff and came across the bravenet guestbooks. I noticed if you supply your email address they have a little symbol of an envelope (you could use the text "send email" or a graphical image of the text) and the link revealed Javascript was being used to split the email address up to prevent bots finding them.

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The hiding my email is a good idea, but if you did not notice, all my pages are in a separate directory that is protected. I figured the bots couldn't find it because of the AJAX interface. I will probably change the background and the navigation title. Thank you for your input.

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also work on your margins


google: css margin


to make sure your text is not attached to your table borders!


and for crying outloud, would you get rid of the blue already. there's many articles on the internet about how you choose colors for a site. Contrast! and Complement!


blue - white? no. Look at the banner for PHP freaks at the top of this page. difference betweent this and yours? a more texture background and dark blues complement and accent it.


good luck,

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Ugh the blue gradient is... icky :)


I would make the page like 800px wide and not fluid like you currently have it. Well make an outside <div> 800px and then you can make everything inside that fluid.


As for a web design company's website (and others have said) its not really exciting. You're suppose to create a presence for your client and if they see that, you might not get many clients. Web Design is a saturated with a lot of web design companies, you need to make yourself unique and stand out!



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Your site is kind of bugged up.


The navigation doesn't work until javascript is enabled but that's besides the point.


It's totally bugged up even with it enabled see? Here I made a screenshot for you..



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Nah it's Firefox, and the engine is fine. It loads all sites except this one perfectly. Looks like you have a compatibility problem in your site. I think it has something to do with frames. I've seen this happen in other sites that use frames to. But usually it just bugs up on everything instead of the gecko (used by all versions of Mozilla, Netscape, and Firefox) engine.


Not really sure exactly what's causing your problem, but good luck.

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What version of firefox are you using? I have and it works fine. And I do not use frames. Make sure you have javascript enabled though.


Who thinks it is just best for me to junk the AJAX Interface and javascript and go back to a nice normal HTML interface?

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I don't mean to be offensive, but the site look like a 3 year old did it... If you want to advertise as a web design co. then you need to either put your best foot forward and make a technically difficult site to showcase your ability, OR you need to make a very simple, professional looking site that says "I'm good, no need to be a showoff, I'm confident, etc..."



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I think the northern lights background is alright, but the Blue and Green seem to scream "I need help".  Try containing the northern lights to your header.  Use a plain background for your main area and a light color for your nav bar.  OR contain the northern lights background to your main area, fade it back to about 75% opacity (so as to not be distracting) and use bold colors for your header and nav bar.

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