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Some practicle uses for php and sockets..?


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Hey Guys,

I have a question, and i couldnt think of a better place to ask. It doesnt really count as "Help" so i put it in here.

PHP Sockets! I have started reading up on them and using them, And i think they are amazing. Just the whole idea behind it is great.


So far i have worked on getting users to connect and spitting back stuff they enter right back at them and what not.

I even did a small HTTP Server type thing that only works with HTML files and stuff.


But what i want to know, What are other practical uses for PHP and sockets? What else could i go about and do with sockets.

Have you heard about something thats been done with them, just know about it or have you worked on a sockets project before?


I would be ever greatful if you could share what other uses for sockets that you know of, So i can expand my knowledge of sockes by attempting to do as much as possible with them.


Thank you for your time in reading,


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I wander if it would be possible to make a mail server using PHP itself, instead of just connecting to one that already exists?


You could build any type of server you wished provided you understand the proticol invloved and have the time to impliment it.

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