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Anyone here like fishing?


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I went boat fishing in Missouri when I was about 13.  It was fun being on the lake, using minnows as bait.  that is the first time I ever used one fish to catch another.  Where I'm from, we can only use worms or 'Power Bait'.


One of these days, I'm gonna have to teach my two sons how to fish.  My oldest likes the idea, but isn't old enough to listen to his father!  ;D

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I grew up fishing at a local lake that they stock with trout every winter and already has a population of bass, sunfish, catfish, bluegill, etc.  I taught my fiance how to fish and she loves it because she's Filipino.  She performs all the gruesome stuff herself too, such as getting the hook out of their stomach and cleaning them.


It's been a long time since we've gone.


Also, I've never been ocean fishing; maybe some day!

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cool that's nice.  :D

i love playing on water specially fishing.


but i think your story is boring...


You need to put some pictures here so we can see it too.


i hope you do...  ;D






I will see about getting some photos. My girlfriend is going with me, and she'll probably bring her camera. Lately some of the boats have been catching albacore tuna, but I don't know what to expect.

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ok that's really exicting.

but if possible my friend could you bring video cam rather than still camera.

and upload it on youtube.com then show us the link here.


I really want to see it in motion.  :D


and please don't forget to cook the fish on board, i request a fish fillet dish. lol  ;D



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OK, So I had a great time yesterday. The fishing was awesome! I had to be at the boat about 5AM, and we got out in Mexican waters about 7:30AM. Immediately we started pulling up sand bass. You wouldn't have even needed to know how to fish to catch these. They were biting at anything we put in the water. There is a limit of 5 fish per species when fishing in Mexican waters, and most of us had our 5 pretty quick. I was actually throwing them back or giving them to other people becase I wanted to try to catch bigger ones. I probably caught 10 total in the 30 mins or so we were there. Most of the fish we caught were in the 3 to 4 pound range, but my biggest sand bass was about 5 or 6 pounds. I didn't have a scale, but here is a pic of the sand bass:




Next we headed a little further south, and when we got to that spot I started casting out as far as I could, and reeling in a lure I had on called a "megabait". Its a shiny lure that looks like an anchovie, and it has a large treble hook on the end. I hooked up within a minute on a nice baracuda, and was the first to pull one up. I got three baracudas in pretty quick, and then I hooked up on a really big one. It was so big it broke my lure! By the time I retied on a new lure, the baracudas seemed to be gone, but at least I got my three. Here is a pic of a couple of the baracudas:




Next we headed west towards the Coronado Islands. There is a big kelp forest there that we fished at and I caught 3 calico bass (sorry, no pics).


It was an amazing day. Weather was great, and the boat crew was awesome. If you were thinking about a fishing trip out of San Diego, now is definately not a bad time to go.

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Tuna and squid are more out in the deep end. Blue Marlin are probably WAY further south. Albacore Tuna are fun to catch, but the boats going out for tuna have been doing poorly, and I didn't want to waste my money going out and having a bad day. Same boat I was on Monday went out on Tuesday for tuna and one caught 1!!!. That's a $120 trip for null for most everyone that went out on that boat. Check the local fishing reports online at www.976-tuna.com and see for yourself.

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did you ate the fish? or sold it?


mmm i'm starving...


I ate some, and gave the rest away to friends. There was around 15 pounds of fillets, so I couldn't eat it all myself. I don't like to eat it when its not fresh, or I would have put it in the fridge.

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  • 1 month later...

I just went out again Monday. I caught a nice Yellowtail. 17.5 pounds. I was pretty tired after fighting this fish for 10 minutes or so. It may not be that big looking, but it sure knows how to swim in the other direction! I made the mistake of cleaning it myself. I thought I could do a good job, but next time I'll just leave it to the deckhands. Anyways, here's the pic:



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