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WoW Guild Website


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The website's been an ongoing project, but I never really took time to get design and function feedback, and this is a great site for it. Essentially the site turned into an effectively CMS while still trying to avoid the feel of one. The only pre-existing software used is vBulletin, which is heavily modified to use globally for permissions on guild members and such.


Any feedback, positive or negative, is greatly appreciated as I am always looking to improve it. Thanks in advance!

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I have been having problems with the script and the mouseover, I think I should just find another.


vBulletin is used primarily for the permissions throughout the site for the member areas, but it does make it really hard to avoid the CMS feel. The only other thing pulled from vB is the main news, which I want to ensure other officers are capable of updating cleanly.


Any suggestions on how to make a better feel to it so it isn't so CMS-y?

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Agreed with Ober - the top header and nav is very nice.


There is a ton of plain text on the majority of pages. You even have plain circular bullets for a list. Try square bullets. Change the text colour ever so slightly. Try and put some background images in the various entries/notices etc.


You have the following text in red " There are only a couple positions left in Ascendo Tuum!" Why couldn't you have a special div called "notice", and have that text appear with an icon in a nice colour etc.


A tiny bit of extra line spacing and a small increase on font size would be nice also.



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I changed the code a bit to hopefully load faster, I'm in the process of going through and cleaning all the errors out of the code and optimizing it.


Stevie, do you have an example of what you mean with an icon by the notice? I did increase the line spacing, but even taking the font size up 1 feels too large, so I may try a couple different ones. With so much content, it's hard to find a good balance to keep it feeling really lively.

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Very nice job. As a WoW player, I have been in a few guilds and seen several sites. A lot seem to be bloated with images from the game.


I really like that you have tied in the Server availability and Population, nice touch. Would be interested in how you tapped that info.


In your guild statistics, maybe add to that your guild progression on your main page, then have that linked to your news article with the detail. Or maybe a new stat type display on the right altogether were you show progress and dates of clearing the instance.


Looks good though...

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We're about to start 25-man, and I wasn't a fan of Kara progression since it's an easy instance. Will definitely be doing a progression for the upcoming instances! Thank you =)


The server status is displayed as an XML, and someone wrote a script that broke down the XML so you could pull the status. I made some VERY minor changes to the script. I'll post the original:




There's a LOT of stuff in the right column, for officers anyway. I had written an application script which tracks stats about members, when they join and leave, total turnover rate, etc. to also make it easier on the officers to with 2 clicks give full website permissions. I need to rearrange the clutter :o

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