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Hi guys


I'm in the WORLD WAR 3 right now with the virus.


I'm using wnidows xp home. and i have norton internet 2008 anti virus.

They are all licensed.


My problem is my computer always reboot or reset.

I know this is a virus but i don't know which type or name of RESET virus is this.

Unfortunately my NORTON can't find it also.


I used McAffee before and it can find it. But NORTON can't.


Can you help me distinguish the type of virus is this?


Thank you very much in advance.




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Don't waste money on buying anti-virus programs (McAffee, Norton, etc.), don't even waste bandwidth on pirating them. The free ones (like AVG which neylitalo linked to) are much better IMO. Those commercial ones seem bloated and hogs all the system resources - that's at least my experience.

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I just wanted to throw this out there, depending on how old your system is and what you're doing, it could be a hardware problem.  A faulty power supply could cause a system to restart.  If you play games and your system is very dusty inside, excessive heat can cause a restart as well.  If you've added new hardware recently, it could also be driver incompatibilities as well.


I'd go through the virus and spyware route first as that's most likely, but I wanted to give you some other alternatives to look into if you can't find anything wrong.


P.S.  Most computer hardware lasts for a very long time, but in terms of age most components fail around the 3 to 5 year mark when they start to go.

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