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I have spent a long time on this site, I just got the time over Christmas to finish up the core parts of the site. I want to get some user feedback on how they would improve it and how they like it. I know its only got a few things right now on the site. If you contribute it will grow faster. The site has been live for about 2-3 days now. We have had over 100 people a day on it so thats not that bad of a turn out.


I am planning to add some features such as:

Private Messaging


- Some other sneaky unique things ;)


I am trying to get some time to finish some of these systems. Please take a look and give me some feedback if possible.




Thank You

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Your website is looking very good.

If you made some other changed, then your site looking a bit more better.

Place search box on right hand side.

Use both copy right information and other link like police, terms.. etc,

right all together in bottom of page.


Hope this will help you a little bit.



[email protected]


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I'll give it a 5/10.


Where it lacks:

1) you need padding... everywhere.  The header and footer have plenty of space and then the content is so packed together.  Let it breathe!

2) Styling of the content is very basic... not very origional and very box-ish.  I'm guilty of this myself in some of my designs, but I expect better from others :)

3) Needs more color.  Throw the blue around some more.

4) You can barely read the words under the site header.  It also wouldn't hurt to make the header image MUCH bigger.

5) Lose the underline in the tabs

6) contact us page needs padding and why take input if you're not going to collect at least an email address so you can respond?

7) Some pages (privacy policy) have a box around the content.  Others don't have that.  I say lose it.

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Color schemes are always difficult.  May I suggest a online tool I use help with coming up with a color scheme?




just input the hex code of the base color and it provides you with a color pallet.  Then just adjust it to a scheme you like. It's just a starting point, but it can help to get things going.

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