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google ads

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make the google ads 50% transparent so they don't block posts.


This is a sample code block. If this text extends to the far left edge of the post container, it will be obscured by the Google ad at right.


Edit by neylitalo: Sample code block added for demonstration.

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FF3 is a beta.  Sorry, but I'm not about to hack the code for a beta browser.  If it works in FF2 and IE6 (and I don't even see the ads in Opera)... then I don't think we have a problem.


I know, I just pointed it out. The codebox content is readable so I don't really care.

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In Safari the Code-Box and text, overwrites the google ad. But it seams to be fine in IE7, and FireFox


my guess is, that IE8 beta, will render it as Safari, but could be wrong. anyway, each day has enough in its own problems. No need to worry about tomorrow.



Lets just say, that it would be better to fix such problems, when the browsers are actually finished.

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