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Suggest some fun coding practices?


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Well, I am finally starting to get a grasp of a lot of the basics.


My goal lately has to been work towards a site similar to a myspace/facebook over the next few months (don't hurt me :)). User Network.


I currently have:


register/login/logout - sessions

forgotpass/remember me/member #s

useredit - edit your profile

userinfo - display your info

simple admin center

simple comment page

....some really simple material


I'm wondering what other things a beginner-intermediate level coder could do to improve his site, and work towards my goal posted above?


Suggest some concepts, ideas, etc... I should have a firm idea of to truely understand how that type of user network functions.


Any suggestions actually would be nice.



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I'm not being sarcastic. I've honestly never visited any such site. I consider them pointless and rather ludicrous. Looking at the front page of MySpace, here are some things they have which you haven't said that you have implemented in your script: member blogs, the ability to add friends, video uploads, some sort of groups (I suppose you join them?), etc...

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I'm not being sarcastic. I've honestly never visited any such site. I consider them pointless and rather ludicrous. Looking at the front page of MySpace, here are some things they have which you haven't said that you have implemented in your script: member blogs, the ability to add friends, video uploads, some sort of groups (I suppose you join them?), etc...


I wasn't commenting on your sarcasm, that was directed at tippy_102. And I have made an account on myspace years ago, but immediately lost interest, as I too, am not interested in such activities, and it doesn't suprise me that you've never associated yourself with said activity. And why assume I'm part of that? I merely asked how to design something like that because, it's a nice hook to create an enviroment fit for advertisement, etc...



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Yes, but while I was posting, s0c0 removed the contents from his post. SMF didn't warn me and I was redirected back to the topic listing so I never found out before my edit time expired. That's why I usually quote specific parts I'm commenting on so I don't end up looking like a fool :-\

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blah nevermind


I am not going to comment on myspace because i think that site is a bit retarded to me.  If you want to recreate a site similar to facebook, you going to have to create your own API at a minimum to allow users to create plug-ins(that is one of the reasons facebook is so popular).  you are going to have a hard time getting your site off the ground if you offer the same functionality as facebook and you will have no chance if you don't offer at least what they offer.  It is not going to be a easy task to recreate facebook.

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I know, I understand that this will not be easy, and this is a long-term goal I intend to works towards when in my free time, and as for recreating facebook, I don't want to do that, just work towards some similar aspects of it, uploading videos, private messages, the fluffy stuff, not APIs and the whole bit.


And tippy as well, thought you were being sarcastic, just wasn't expecting something of that degree, so i interpretted it as sarcasm. :)



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