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quick preview


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Well im in the middle of designing a web page that I'm setting up for a family friends small on the side business.. I've not got any web hosting at the second so I can't upload it but I do have a quick screen shot.. if you could all tell us what you think?


tried and tested in firefox and IE .. fully compliant .. not completely finished tho, banner needs bit of work and so does few elements on the page but it's just a quick preview...




Cheers! Adam

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feel ya dog!


well iv done some changes and stuff.. worked on better logo.. remember the website sells "ECOFLOW" products, most known products being little magnets that you wear round your wrist to like improve blood flow or summit! Thats sort of where the 'inspiration' came from...


Anyway middle section I'm a bit stuck with at minute.. doesn't flow too well at all.. so that's still being messed with as clearly stated on the image...


but err anyway new comments welcome..




Cheers! adam!

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Everything looks organized and manageable except for the large amount of text in the center of your site.


I suppose it's my own preference, but I try to break that up into "click here to read full article..."


Otherwise, from what I see it looks fine, keep working on it.

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obviously the snapshot image you provided is a rendered image from firefox... So why not post a link to the actual webpage? There is soo much we can critique from an image. What about links? What about navigation scheme? What about the source code?  :)

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