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I couldn't figure out which might be the appropriate forum for this topic, so I'm going to post it here.  I've been asked to make a site similar to the following:





They asked me how much I want to make the site, and I couldn't figure it out, so I thought I would post it here.  How much would you charge this person to make a similar site?

I moved this to Misc. forum as you won't get replies to a post in Freelancing. Also you are not advertising your services nor looking for a developer, which is the purpose of that forum.


As for the price, you have to estimate how long it going to take you to produce the site and multiply that by how much you feel your time is worth


Charge 1337


Kill yourself.


As for pricing, I came across this pdf randomly earlier today.  Maybe it can help.  http://www.sessions.edu/career_center/design_tools/freelance_templates/download/pdf_form/web_marketing_price_guide.pdf

Well, I figure it'll take about a week to do (doing it on the side of my main day job).  3/4 of the pages are just static HTML, so those will be quick.  Then there's like 3 PHP form pages (including 1 to handle payment processing).  So yeah, I would guess about a week or so.

Well how much do you consider your time to be worth?  You said a week, let's assume 4 hours a day for a week.  That's 28 hours of work.  Now say you code for $50/hr.  28*50=total


Some people do it the other way around, they decide on an overall total for the project, then divide it by the time it takes and that's the hourly rate they're charging.

Yeah, I guess I'm having a hard part determining.  Don't know whether to quote a flat price for the project, or give them an hourly rate with an estimation of how long it will take. I'm leaning towards the hourly rate so that if they want new stuff or keep changing their minds regarding what they want, I'm still charging them.  I dunno though.

As I estimate originally on my hourly rate then it's the same. Occasionaly a client has asked for something really urgent that means working well into the night - then it's extra (double time past midnight)

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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