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Website affiliate system


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Hey, sorry for being a total noobstick, but im just kinda learning php for my site...

So heres the deal, im going to have a lot of pages, and i want to be able to show affiliates on that bottom bar, and every time i add or take off an affiliate i don't want to edit EVERY SINGLE PAGE...


Heres the site:



so i figured i could make a file called "affiliates.php" and then on the index, or whatever page just put this code in



and in affiliates.php i put this code in...

echo "<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"700\"><tr><td align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">
<a href=\"http://www.munchymedia.com/\"><img src=\"affiliates/munchymedia.jpg\"></a>
}; ?>


Can anyone help me? Sorry for being a total noob once again, and i would of looked for a tutorial, but i have no clue what they call this!

if anyone can tell me what im doing wrong or help me find a tut id be very greatful and free Bj's..



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Not sure if this is proper placement for this thread, anyways, you have the basic idea right with the include and external file, however you should create a function inside of the external file.  Then on your pages you can call this function and it will display the info you want it to.


in external file... function affiliates(){echo "I love all my affiliates.";}

on each page include "file.php"; and when you call it... affiliates();

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Not sure if this is proper placement for this thread, anyways, you have the basic idea right with the include and external file, however you should create a function inside of the external file.  Then on your pages you can call this function and it will display the info you want it to.


in external file... function affiliates(){echo "I love all my affiliates.";}

on each page include "file.php"; and when you call it... affiliates();


alright so in the affiliate.php (external) i put

function affiliates(){echo "I love all my affiliates.";}

and the index i put



now it shows nothing ><

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ok.  what i am gathering is this:


you want to be able to advertise your affiliates at the bottom of the page.  something like a "this site sponsored by" area.


what you could do is have a random image script run. 

following is the random image script.  dont remember where i got it, but oh well.


* Name your images 1.jpg, 2.jpg etc.
* Add this line to your page where you want the images to 
* appear: <?php include "randomimage.php"; ?>

// Change this to the total number of images in the folder
$total = "11";

// Change to the type of files to use eg. .jpg or .gif
$file_type = ".jpg";

// Change to the location of the folder containing the images
$image_folder = "images/random";

// You do not need to edit below this line

$start = "1";

$random = mt_rand($start, $total);

$image_name = $random . $file_type;

echo "<img src=\"$image_folder/$image_name\" alt=\"$image_name\" />";



copy and paste the code and save it as randomimage.php


at the bottom of the page add a row and include the file.


just make sure that the images are the right size.


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im still not doing it right =(  do i need to give my sql info or somin? anyone have aim or an instant messenger?  this is what i got so far though...


index.php ....

<?php affiliates();?>


function affiliates(){echo "I love all my affiliates.";}

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function affiliates() {
echo "I love all my affiliates.";


Clean up that code, and you forgot the include. Function is voided without.


Curse you Film  :D


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you guys were so helpful, and no1 called me a dumb noob or anything lol

appriciate it guys!


That is one thing I respect about this community, I haven't seen any maligning, it's a learning enviroment sure, but even then you still expect some form of critisism, and that's pretty cool.

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