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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/13/2019 in all areas

  1. User doesn't care. They don't look at URLs when they're just browsing around, and if they want to share the page they'll either use a share button or copy/paste what's up there. In fact that copying and pasting is a huge reason why ideas like putting session IDs into the URL (PHP's session.use_cookies/use_only_cookies) are strongly discouraged. That said, try to keep it simple. example.com/product.php?id=123 (or /products/123) is fine. Attempting to obfuscate it because you're scared, like example.com/product.php?product_id=uw433hyg5kishev6nyliser6nbyioq2gv49n68of325ob8nq534tb8, is not fine. People don't like things they can't understand: "123" is a number and people are okay with numbers, "B00005N5PF" is some sort of cryptic ID but it's okay too because it's short and easy to understand, but "uw433hyg5kishev6nyliser6nbyioq2gv49n68of325ob8nq534tb8" is a code and codes are for hackers. CoDeS aRe FoR hAcKeRs Probably, yeah. Lots of stuff on the internet already works like that. People are used to it.
    1 point
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