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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/30/2020 in all areas

  1. Well for one, var json = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data)); don't do that. You're starting with an object, turning it into a JSON string, and then turning it right back into an object. There's no point. That aside, one improvement would be to use object syntax instead of array syntax for accessing members. Array syntax with [ ]s is fine when the name is in a variable, or it has some weird name you know but can't write out (like it has hyphens or symbols), but for names like "students" there's no need. Example: for (var key in data.students) { (note that this is using the original data variable you started with) An easy second thing is semicolons. Control structures, like for loops, don't need semicolons after the body.
    1 point
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