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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/19/2020 in all areas

  1. I bet you need the avatar more often, so a new table would involve a join or at least a separat query every time. so if your users table does not seem to be flooded with columns anyway, or the user can store multiple avatars, maybe for historical reasons, i would stick on two columns within the users table for performance and maintainability - you still can simply let the column out on queries that don't need the data.
    1 point
  2. I see three blue colors: navy blue with writing, light blue with writing, and the dark blue/gray with images. I can't figure what you're describing according to that. I'm guessing that you want to have text + image / image + text alternating on desktop and then just text + image on mobile. Is that it? Rearrange everything in the markup so that it is correct: text first, image second. Desktop is where you should be making it read backwards. Do that by using looking into whatever options your CSS framework gives you regarding repositioning inside its grid system; if there isn't anything then use order.
    1 point
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