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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/03/2020 in all areas

  1. Horrible coding practice to use a placeholder in place of a <label>.
    1 point
  2. Input fields also work better when they have "name" attributes
    1 point
  3. Plus - your script is confused as to where it is. You begin by outputting your form (with problems) and then you ask if the POST has been created. Obviously it has not so you won't see any echo there. The PHP code should always be at the beginning of your scripts and your html at the end after all of your logic has had a chance to execute. In your case if no POST has been received yet then you need to send out the blank form and exit. If it has, that's when you check what has been sent back and send out your echos or whatever results you generate and then exit.
    1 point
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