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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/25/2020 in all areas

  1. Easier to use file(). <?php $data = file('paulq.txt', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES|FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES); $start = "sales_probability_dom"; $results = []; $pos = array_search($start, $data); // find start key while ($data[++$pos][0]=="\t") { // check for tab at start of line $results[] = trim($data[$pos]); } echo '<pre>', print_r($results, 1), '</pre>'; ?> giving Array ( [0] => @clear [1] => \"\": \"\" [2] => Closed Won: \"100\" [3] => Id. Decision Makers: \"40\" [4] => Needs Analysis: \"25\" [5] => Negotiation\/Review: \"80\" [6] => Perception Analasis: \"50\" [7] => Proposal\/Price Quote: \"65\" [8] => Prospecting: \"10\" [9] => Qualification: \"20\" [10] => Value Prospecting: \"30\" )
    1 point
  2. 1 point
  3. I've more or less stopped typing tags in at this point. It's inconvenient to not be able to but what ya gonna do. For longer posts I usually compose them in notepad then when done move them over to the text area and insert all the quotes/code blocks/formatting using the appropriate buttons. More work, but make the post look right. I miss the old text-only editor still.
    1 point
  4. $teamnaam = $lidnummer = ''; That's the only time you ever assign values to those variables.
    1 point
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