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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/22/2020 in all areas

  1. The first thing I would have to see is the code (in text form) of displayCart. What does the 0 mean? Can it add products to the cart? Another thing is the PHP script you have for adding products to the cart. Is that ready to use? What POST data do you need to send? A simple change to make now would be to add the quantity input next to the button. For how many to add to the cart.
    1 point
  2. @Niksou, when you're posting code, do so as text not images. Copy your code then use the Code button (<>) in the editor to create a code block and paste your code there. If you don't post it as text, nobody can copy it to a file and test it in order to help you, so they will likely just skip your thread and you'll get no help at all. If you want to change your Add to Cart button to a quantity input then change the <button> tag to an <input> tag of type number. Add your new add to cart button where you want it. After that you'll have to figure out how to update the code that handles your cart to work with the new design. If you have a specific problem you are stuck on then post about it, but a post like "I want to do <some generic thing>" followed by a bunch of code is generally not well received.
    1 point
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