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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/07/2021 in all areas

  1. Thank you, I knew it would be something obvious.
    1 point
  2. Probably because the inner loop's result object is overwriting the outer result object as you store them both in $query. But don't run queries inside loops like that . Use a single query with a join to get all the data in a single query. It's far more efficient. SELECT faqc_name , faq_id , faq_question FROM faq_cats c JOIN faqs f ON f.faq_cat = c.faqc_id WHERE faqc_site = :site ORDER BY faqc_id , faq_id
    1 point
  3. Pretty full article on using the various Geometry and Geospatial features of MySQL and it includes manual references. Using the Postgis extension with Postgres. It's also worth looking at MongoDB which has pretty much had a GeoJSON type since it's initial release, as well as indexing to support it.
    1 point
  4. //this could be the problem it appears in the error file $alreadyCrawled() = array(); $crawling = array(); It is. Look at the second assignment that did not produce an error. See the difference? However, telling us it does not work is of no use. What new code did you add? What doesn't work? Do you get an error or do you get a different output than you expect? If so what is that?
    0 points
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