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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/01/2021 in all areas

  1. Personally I like to refine and/or finesse the data as necessary in the controller before it reaches the view. This sets up basically very dumb views where any business logic is taken care of before the view is rendered. However, part of the system I'm currently working on does pretty much what you describe and passes raw data directly to the view where it decides what to display and how and it works just fine. As requinix points out, some degree of coupling is pretty much unavoidable so I guess it depends on what's easiest for you reason about.
    1 point
  2. There's going to be coupling somewhere, both regarding database structures and what you do in the view. And from a practical standpoint, the database really shouldn't be being revised so much that coupling is a problem. If you don't like passing database models then create and use business models, which look a lot like database models but aren't tied directly to the database. Of course now your views are tied to those models, bringing us right back around to the "stop screwing around with your data structures" argument.
    1 point
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