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Everything posted by requinix

  1. You can't. There will have to be some conditional statement somewhere. OOP is a technique to solve a problem. It is not a solution to a problem. What's the rest of your design, and we can see if OOP is going to help with this particular task.
  2. Okay. But what is the URL, what "slug value" are you seeing, and what do you want to see?
  3. "token name" What is the URL, what "slug value" are you seeing, and what do you want to see?
  4. The template does one name per cell so you can't overlap things on their corners. grid-area is shorthand for grid-row/column-start/end, so you could explicitly set the column-end to be "right". That'll stretch it out over that column, but text won't wrap and I don't know if there is a way to essentially "float" that right element. So what you could do, given you know the size of the columns and rows (or do you?) is to create a floating div inside the content that positions where the overlapping right cell is. https://jsfiddle.net/e1hg05af/
  5. Columns in the correct order isn't an issue, as long as you're careful with the array from the first SELECT - as in overwriting values (eg, the ID to be null) and never removing/adding values (eg, unset the ID and re-create it). It sounds riskier than it is. Worst case, though, fetching in an associative mode will give you the column names so you could do a "normal" INSERT that names the columns. Quoting isn't an issue since you can do a prepared statement, albeit with a variable number of placeholders, and then feed the values array directly into it. Again, worst case you escape all the string things. Anyway, this all feels like a one-off type of job, in which case you might as well just write the code specifically for that table and structure. And besides, this sort of copy operation tends to have nuances that can't be solved in a general-purpose way: are there other fields in the clients table that should not be copied verbatim, and/or are there rows in other tables that should also be copied?
  6. Doesn't have to be complicated: SELECT *, overwrite the ID with null in the returned array, and insert back - without naming columns. You don't know how many columns or what order they come in, but that doesn't matter because the code simply repeats it back to the server.
  7. Why are you using a temporary table to, effectively, copy a single record #37? Why not just do it normally?
  8. Yeah, I forgot: scripts run isolated and don't have things like the window available. Can't really find much searching around, but it looks like the answer is (or at one point, was) to do something with an iframe. As in you make a small page to act as your dialog, run it in an iframe, and somehow display that iframe. A starting point?
  9. Some Googling suggests that there's a weird and long-standing issue with the .phar such that you can't download it from a browser but need to use a tool like curl. PHP itself might work too. > php -r "copy('http://pear.php.net/go-pear.phar', 'go-pear.phar');"
  10. "Refuses to run" meaning what? Error messages? Nothing happens? We aren't sitting at your computer and watching you do things. We can't see what you see so you have to tell us what you see.
  11. "Unable" meaning what? What have you tried and what happened when you did?
  12. Do you need to include a CSRF token in your form?
  13. It would appear that the driver cannot be used due to a missing PHP extension or unmet dependency. Do you have the pdo and pdo_mysql extensions installed?
  14. Your BPosition is a string field. If it has numbers then it should be a numeric field.
  15. PHP can't do buttons on pages, nor does it have any idea what "responsive" means. But if you want to use PHP to output some HTML for a button, then couple that with some Javascript to do an AJAX form, that's perfectly fine.
  16. This is just the code that shows the form. You'd also have to deal with the code that handles the (merged) form - to make sure it understands the new fields that are being included. There's also the possibility the merged HTML isn't correct, so you should also post what you came up with for that.
  17. Then you do have it installed. What code isn't working and what is the error message? Please make sure to copy and paste exactly what you have/see.
  18. mysqlnd and mysqli are not the same thing. Does phpinfo() specifically say that mysqli is there?
  19. Works on my machineā„¢. Chrome never even stuttered. But which sub-blog specifically? I didn't see any with >100 pages.
  20. You can't embed files through C:\ if you're running this from a website. The "dir" that you use for the embed has to be a URL. Probably "/Docs/Manual/Honda". No, you can't also use that with scandir.
  21. Sounds like you don't have the mysqli extension installed or enabled...
  22. Any errors in the browser's developer console? And what year was this page made? 1995? Looking at it makes me want to take a shower.
  23. What's the value in $response? Maybe it's some HTML page?
  24. FULLTEXT searching just does not do that. It doesn't offer particularly sophisticated features: it's oriented towards taking an input list of words and trying to find things that are relevant to those list of words. "M/C" isn't going to work because those aren't words. Prices aren't going to work because those aren't words. "Within 10 words of each other" isn't an option.
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