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Everything posted by QuickOldCar

  1. Is some suggestions and links to some here. http://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/262327-bored-looking-for-ideas-heres-a-list/
  2. Usually iframes are safe if is your own content and the content being iframed has no security flaws in it. If you want to prevent clickjacking you can use X-Frame-Options response header When you iframe you lose a lot of control what you can do with it. You are just adding a "window" of it. You can resize the frame but not the content within. I would break the script up and include() it both places. Another method would be to use file_get_contents() Output buffering can be used to capture and store the data in the internal buffer and output it any way you want. ob_start() ob_get_clean() ob_end_clean()
  3. Need to raise the post_max_size in php.ini to higher than 8M 93.27 MB seems like a large amount for a post
  4. Welcome, and good luck. I stopped any form of gaming in 2007, what a time waster with little benefit from it.
  5. In the old days of when there was just a few thousand websites to now over a billion...is a need for more web designers and developers. Just as any business is hard to become on top, all you can do is try your best, create a portfolio of your work and let your reputation do the rest. Is a lot of "seo gimmicks" out there, when the search engines catch on they change how they rank a site. For basic seo and tips that help: pretty urls defining what your link is about including the title in it as a slug when writing posts/articles place the important words first in the title additional meta information head of your pages, besides meta can additionally include opengraph or oembed data a well structured site with plenty of links to be scraped and search engines are able to follow try to avoid javascript or jquery links and dropdowns, use css for dropdowns and normal links sitemap of your urls can help latest feeds on categories your site use the most relevant keywords first and don't overdo it try to keep your site fast loading, speed does matter with ranking keep articles fresh and always creating new ones backlinks help, link to others and let them link back to you as well, it's not just quantity but also quality if you don't see yourself in a search engine or an index add yourself, there are also free services that will add you to many of them create a robots.txt file the root of your site and let the crawlers know it's allowed content of your websites will matter, can't force people to be interested in something they are not use captions and keywords if have them for all your images use absolute urls for links, helps with backlinks and some crawlers can't always fix the relative urls correctly avoid redirects if possible No matter if you make a site on your own or use a popular cms, all the above advice works. Try giving wordpress a go, there is a wealth of seo plugins and others for free besides the site is structured well for seo to start with.
  6. Here is something that can use to stop a lot of spammers It uses ip's from stopforumspam database. $ip = getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_IP')?: getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR')?: getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED')?: getenv('HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR')?: getenv('HTTP_FORWARDED')?: getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'); if (strstr($ip, ', ')) { $ips = explode(', ', $ip); $ip = $ips[0]; } $spam_ip = "http://api.stopforumspam.org/api?ip=".$ip; $spamdata = @simplexml_load_file($spam_ip); if ($spamdata) { $spamarray = array(); $spamarray = json_decode(json_encode($spamdata), TRUE); //print_r($spamarray); if($spamarray['appears'] == "yes" ){ die('spammer'); } }
  7. Is the antispam class hiding the url field? Can also do this as type="hidden" This will always be set when the form is submitted if(isset($_POST['url']) && $_POST['url'] == ''){ You can trim it and check for it not being blank if(isset($_POST['url']) && trim($_POST['url'] != '')){ die('spammer'); } else { //do the insert }
  8. If you really want to connect to each image first to see if it exists can do this. getimagesize(); $imagelow = strtolower($image); $image_location = "http://www.old-hall.com/uploads/images/osb/".$imagelow."_lg.jpg"; $image_size=getimagesize($image_location); if(!is_array($image_size)){ $image_location = "http://www.old-hall.com/uploads/images/osb/sorry_lg.jpg"; } echo ' <div class="product"> <div style="float:left; width:170px"><img src="$image_location" width="150px" height="150px" /></div> <div style="float:right"><div style="margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto"><a href="http://www.1pw.co.uk/product_info.php?name='.$name.'"></div>'.$name.' - £'.$salesprice.'</a></div> </div> ';
  9. You can do something like this with css <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> .sorry { width:150px; height:150px; background-image:url("http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/x/sorry-sign-18772092.jpg"); background-color: #ffffff; background-size: 150px 150px; } </style> </head> <body> <img class="sorry" src="http://www.old-hall.com/uploads/images/osb/berberis-harlequin.jpg" /> </body> </html>
  10. If was your own images would be able to do this $imagelow = strtolower($image); if (!file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/uploads/images/osb/".$imagelow."_lg.jpg")) { $imagelow = 'sorry'; } Since is another website the only way is to download it or at least partially download the image first to tell if it exists.
  11. You have to post some related code and what issues you are having with it.
  12. Modify this area to add the start and rsz to the url as well if ( !array_key_exists('v', $args) ){ $args['v'] = '1.0'; } if ( !array_key_exists('start', $args) ){ $args['start'] = '0'; } if ( !array_key_exists('rsz', $args) ){ $args['rsz'] = '8'; } You will see that it only supports up to 8 results now so must loop through all the start rows http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/search/web?v=1.0&q=test&start=0&rsz=8 http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/search/web?v=1.0&q=test&start=8&rsz=8 http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/search/web?v=1.0&q=test&start=16&rsz=8 I believe their feed still accepts more parameters Results: Array ( [responseData] => Array ( [results] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [GsearchResultClass] => GwebSearch [unescapedUrl] => http://www.speedtest.net/ => http://www.speedtest.net/ [visibleUrl] => www.speedtest.net [cacheUrl] => http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:M47_v0xF3m8J:www.speedtest.net [title] => Speedtest.net by Ookla - The Global Broadband Speed Test [titleNoFormatting] => Speedtest.net by Ookla - The Global Broadband Speed Test [content] => Bandwidth test where one can choose among hundreds of geographically dispersed servers around the world. Also shows a summary of one's tests and also ... ) [1] => Array ( [GsearchResultClass] => GwebSearch [unescapedUrl] => https://www.test.com/ => https://www.test.com/ [visibleUrl] => www.test.com [cacheUrl] => http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:S92tylTr1V8J:www.test.com [title] => Create Tests for Organizational Training and Certification Programs ... [titleNoFormatting] => Create Tests for Organizational Training and Certification Programs ... [content] => Test.com provides a complete software solution for creating online tests and managing enterprise and specialist certification programs, in up to 22 languages. ) [2] => Array ( [GsearchResultClass] => GwebSearch [unescapedUrl] => http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/jtypes2.asp => http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/jtypes2.asp [visibleUrl] => www.humanmetrics.com [cacheUrl] => http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:w_lAt3mgXcoJ:www.humanmetrics.com [title] => Personality test based on C. Jung and I. Briggs Myers type theory [titleNoFormatting] => Personality test based on C. Jung and I. Briggs Myers type theory [content] => This free test is based on Carl Jung's and Isabel Briggs Myers' typological ... the results of this test as an input into the Jung Marriage Test™ and the Demo of the ... ) [3] => Array ( [GsearchResultClass] => GwebSearch [unescapedUrl] => http://www.tested.com/ => http://www.tested.com/ [visibleUrl] => www.tested.com [cacheUrl] => http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:rBdvHZdNCuoJ:www.tested.com [title] => Tested [titleNoFormatting] => Tested [content] => 1 day ago ... (This video was brought to you by Premium memberships on Tested. Learn more about how you can support us by joining the Tested Premium ... ) [4] => Array ( [GsearchResultClass] => GwebSearch [unescapedUrl] => http://www.speakeasy.net/speedtest/ => http://www.speakeasy.net/speedtest/ [visibleUrl] => www.speakeasy.net [cacheUrl] => http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:71lCly1h_zMJ:www.speakeasy.net [title] => Speakeasy Speed Test - Powered by MegaPath [titleNoFormatting] => Speakeasy Speed Test - Powered by MegaPath [content] => ... data and IT solutions. We ensure the speed, performance and reliability of all our services by managing our own nationwide private network. Test Availability ... ) [5] => Array ( [GsearchResultClass] => GwebSearch [unescapedUrl] => https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/takeatest.html => https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/takeatest.html [visibleUrl] => implicit.harvard.edu [cacheUrl] => http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:hp0jVrH5XiUJ:implicit.harvard.edu [title] => Take a Test - Harvard University [titleNoFormatting] => Take a Test - Harvard University [content] => Preliminary Information. Whichever IAT you do, we will ask you (optionally) to report your attitudes toward or beliefs about these topics, and provide some ... ) [6] => Array ( [GsearchResultClass] => GwebSearch [unescapedUrl] => http://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test => http://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test [visibleUrl] => www.16personalities.com [cacheUrl] => http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:4LI399t6RKYJ:www.16personalities.com [title] => Free personality test | 16Personalities [titleNoFormatting] => Free personality test | 16Personalities [content] => Free personality test. Three things to know before taking the test: Takes less than 12 minutes. Answer honestly (even if you don't like the answer). Try not to ... ) [7] => Array ( [GsearchResultClass] => GwebSearch [unescapedUrl] => http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test_cricket => http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test_cricket [visibleUrl] => en.wikipedia.org [cacheUrl] => http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:q9anJ7AXMjMJ:en.wikipedia.org [title] => Test cricket - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [titleNoFormatting] => Test cricket - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [content] => Test cricket is the longest form of the sport of cricket. Test matches are played between national representative teams with "Test status", as determined by the ... ) ) [cursor] => Array ( [resultCount] => 239,000,000 [pages] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [start] => 0 [label] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [start] => 8 [label] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [start] => 16 [label] => 3 ) [3] => Array ( [start] => 24 [label] => 4 ) [4] => Array ( [start] => 32 [label] => 5 ) [5] => Array ( [start] => 40 [label] => 6 ) [6] => Array ( [start] => 48 [label] => 7 ) [7] => Array ( [start] => 56 [label] => 8 ) ) [estimatedResultCount] => 239000000 [currentPageIndex] => 0 [moreResultsUrl] => http://www.google.com/search?oe=utf8&ie=utf8&source=uds&start=0&hl=en&q=Test [searchResultTime] => 0.19 ) ) [responseDetails] => [responseStatus] => 200 )
  13. ovh.com has some good servers and good rates. https://www.ovh.com/us/vps/vps-classic.xml Debian 7 Wheezy 32 or 64 bit for the OS You will be able to install up to PHP 5.6.4
  14. I agree, use the data already in the array and do checks on them. Usually when you write a script you want to know the parameters and data type to expect and should be checking for that. You want to do a check something like this. if(isset($_GET['dog']) && trim($_GET['dog']) != '') { $dog = trim($_GET['dog']); } else { $dog = ''; } If you loop through the array and make them variables.....is a bad idea because anyone can write a new GET parameter in the url and compromise your code, can overwrite a variable already had. terrible idea, don't do this whatever the key is would become a variable foreach($_GET as $key => $value){ $$key = $value; } if($dog){ echo $dog; }
  15. Google usually wants people to use their api's. Maybe you can get the data following this article. http://techslides.com/hacking-the-google-trends-api
  16. Don't worry about being new to this and not knowing something. This is a friendly place and you shouldn't be criticized. Are your intentions to save a password in a cookie? I saw $pass as the variable It's not safe storing passwords in a cookie. Maybe you would like to use session instead and store the users name as a session http://php.net/manual/en/book.session.php have a user register/login system passwords are hashed/encrypted using something like password_hash() and that is saved to a database when a user logs in you use password_verify() on the password and check your database for a match if there is a match in your query you can set a users session with an id or name, whatever you desire (also useful for setting permissions such as admin,user,guest) $_SESSION['username'] = $row['username']; for checking which user it is through a session can do something like this <?php session_start(); if(isset($_SESSION['username'])){ $user = $_SESSION['username']; } ?> Some random information about sessions, cookies and web storage: With sessions the client does not have the ability to change the data. Using sessions forces the client to log in each time because they get lost expire times and garbage collection. It's possible to use a combination of sessions and cookies to keep that user logged in longer, although I would lean towards creating an access token instead. Cookies were useful a while, many people are blocking them now. Depending what country are in such as the UK, you are in have to supply a warning are saving their cookies and they accept it. There are cookies and also html5 has web storage localStorage http://www.w3.org/TR/webstorage/#the-localstorage-attribute localStorage can store 5 mb versus cookies having a limit of 4095 bytes per cookie Cookies are primarily to be read server-side while localStorage is meant as client-side only If localStorage is saved from a secured ssl such as https it doesn't work for non https If your server needs to read from localStorage and is lots of data it's not worth sending the data back with javascript/ajax in the HTTP header or like in hidden forms localStorage has no expiration date, it only gets removed via javascript, clearing browser cache or the browser is closed. There is also sessionStorage http://www.w3.org/TR/webstorage/#the-sessionstorage-attribute When a new HTMLDocument is created, the user agent must check to see if the document's top-level browsing context has allocated a session storage area for that document's origin. If it has not, a new storage area for that document's origin must be created. localStorage persists over different tabs or windows, and even if we close the browser, accordingly with the domain security policy and user choices about quota limit. Leaving the tab or page were on sessionStorage is gone while localStorage can remain. Cookies, localStorage and sessionStorage can easily be read or changed from within the client/browser and should not be used for storage of secure data. There is attempts modern browsers to prevent Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)/Script injection by setting an HTTP only flag... but I wouldn't rely on it. If you are not using SSL, cookie information can also be intercepted in transit, especially on an open wifi. If you want to save a pile of information and is just for the clients purposes, localStorage is the best way. If is some sort of temporary data just for a user that page then sessionStorage If the data is to be used for your own server then normal cookies is a better way to go. Summing it all up...it's better to use sessions unless is not important data.
  17. I'll take a guess that both the statements are true when on that page. It's both product category powders and one of those id's You should probably use the conditional tags and can check for is_home(),is_page(),is_post(),is_single() and so on http://codex.wordpress.org/Conditional_Tags is_single() When a single post of any post type (except attachment and page post types) is being displayed. is_singular() Returns true for any is_single(), is_page(), or is_attachment(). untested... <?php //check if singular if(is_singular('post')){ //check for id's if(is_single('78')) { echo do_shortcode('[smartslider2 slider="11"]'); }elseif(is_single('82')) { echo do_shortcode('[smartslider2 slider="12"]'); }elseif(is_single('85')) { echo do_shortcode('[smartslider2 slider="13"]'); }else{ endif; } }else{ //if not singular check for product categories if(is_product_category('powders')) { echo do_shortcode('[smartslider2 slider="14"]'); } } ?>
  18. Those .inc files can be renamed with a .php extension so they can't be visited and read as a text document Create a new directory(folder) in the /var directory let's use web_files as the new directory give www-data permission for web_files I create a new directory to keep them all in one place and also to prevent any accidental deletions or overwriting You can then access as any other include or require include('/var/web_files/configuration/config.php');
  19. need something client side to interact with a users browser
  20. You want to deal clientside with this, javascript is what you want. http://thisbythem.com/blog/clientside-timezone-detection/
  21. Try laravel instead Have a look at octobercms built with laravel and made for developers
  22. if ($count <= 10 && $count >= 0){ if($count == 0){ //handle the 0 } else { //handle 1 to 10 } }
  23. Can read their tutorial at http://phpmailer.worxware.com/?pg=tutorial A lot of the paths are set to run the examples from within it's same directory It's a matter of making a new script wherever need to use it, even using one of the examples they have. Set the paths to what you need depending where you are placing them, also fill in any missing values need to set That doesn't do or output anything, just tries to load the class files Place the PHPmailer files into your root /www/ or the new /www/html/ directory Looking at PHPMailer-master/test/phpmailerTest.php it has... require_once '../PHPMailerAutoload.php'; this will always assume you are going to be running the script 2 directories deep from current directory try... require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/PHPMailer-master/PHPMailerAutoload.php"); you will also notice in that script these public $Host = ''; this needs to be your smtp mail host such as public $Host = "smtp.mydomain.com"; public $INCLUDE_DIR = '../'; could be set to public $INCLUDE_DIR = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"; for this section you can just change it's path to what need if (file_exists('./testbootstrap.php')) { include './testbootstrap.php'; //Overrides go in here } to if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/PHPMailer-master/test/testbootstrap.php")) { include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/PHPMailer-master/test/testbootstrap.php"); //Overrides go in here }
  24. $_POST always exists as an array, you should check with empty if(empty($_POST)){ exit; } Try simpler mail() messages and try to different email services, you may be getting blocked somehow...some are very strict. You can try using phpmailer instead Sending emails reliable is one of the hardest things to accomplish. You can use a validate filter and check for an email pattern } else if(!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { echo '<div class="error_message">Invalid e-mail address, try again.</div>'; exit(); } There is many more top,second and generic domains than what you have. Here is a list I compiled. .abogado .ac .ac.ae .ac.cn .academy .accountants .active .actor .ad .ads .adult .ae .aero .af .africa .ag .agency .agent .ah.cn .ai .airforce .ak.us .al .al.us .allfinanz .alsace .am .amsterdam .an .android .ao .apartments .app .aq .aquarelle .ar .ar.us .arab .archi .architect .army .arpa .art .arts .as .asia .associates .at .attorney .au .au.com .auction .audio .auto .autos .aw .ax .axa .az .az.us .b2b .b2c .b2m .ba .baby .band .bank .bar .barcelona .bargains .baseball .basketball .bayern .bb .bd .be .beauty .beer .berlin .best .bet .bf .bg .bh .bi .bible .bid .bike .bingo .bio .biz .bj .bj.cn .bl .black .blackfriday .blog .bloomberg .blue .bm .bmw .bn .bnpparibas .bo .boats .boo .book .boutique .box .bq .br .br.com .broadway .broker .brussels .bs .bt .budapest .build .builders .business .buy .buzz .bv .bw .by .bz .bzh .ca .ca.us .cab .cafe .cal .cam .camera .camp .cancerresearch .capetown .capital .car .caravan .cards .care .career .careers .cars .cartier .casa .cash .casino .cat .catering .cc .cd .center .ceo .cern .cf .cg .ch .channel .charity .chat .cheap .christmas .chrome .church .ci .citic .city .ck .cl .claims .cleaning .click .clinic .clothing .cloud .club .cm .cn .cn.com .co .co.uk .co.us .coach .codes .coffee .college .cologne .com .com.ac .com.au .com.cn .com.tw .community .company .computer .condos .construction .consulting .contractors .cooking .cool .coop .corp .corsica .country .coupon .coupons .cpa .cq.cn .cr .credit .creditcard .cricket .crs .cruises .ct.us .cu .cuisinella .cv .cw .cx .cy .cymru .cz .dad .dance .data .date .dating .day .dc.us .dds .de .de.com .de.net .de.us .deal .deals .degree .delivery .democrat .dental .dentist .desi .design .dev .diamonds .diet .digital .dir .direct .directory .discount .diy .dj .dk .dk.org .dm .dnp .do .docs .doctor .dog .domains .doosan .durban .dot .download .dubai .durban .dvag .dz .earth .eat .ec .eco .edu .edu.ac .edu.af .edu.cn .education .ee .eg .eh .email .emerck .energy .engineer .engineering .enterprises .equipment .er .es .estate .esq .et .eu .eu.com .eu.org .eurovision .eus .events .everbank .exchange .expert .exposed .fail .faith .family .fan .fans .farm .fashion .feedback .fi .film .final .finance .financial .firm .firmdale .fish .fishing .fit .fitness .fj .fj.cn .fk .fl.us .flights .florist .flowers .flsmidth .fly .fm .fo .foo .food .football .forsale .forum .foundation .fr .free .frl .frogans .fun .fund .furniture .futbol .fyi .ga .ga.us .gal .gallery .game .games .garden .gay .gb .gb.com .gb.net .gbiz .gd .gd.cn .ge .gent .gf .gg .ggee .gh .gi .gift .gifts .gives .gl .glass .gle .global .globo .gm .gmail .gmbh .gmo .gmx .gn .gold .golf .google .gop .gov .gov.ac .gov.ae .gov.cn .gp .gq .gr .graphics .gratis .green .gripe .group .gs .gs.cn .gt .gu .guide .guitars .guru .gw .gx.cn .gy .gz.cn .ha.cn .hair .hamburg .haus .hb.cn .he.cn .health .healthcare .help .helsinki .here .hi.cn .hi.us .hiphop .hiv .hk .hl.cn .hm .hn .hn.cn .hockey .holdings .holiday .home .homes .horse .hospital .host .hosting .hot .hotel .house .how .hr .ht .hu .hu.com .ia.us .ibm .id .id.us .ie .il .il.us .im .immo .immobilien .in .industries .in.us .inc .indians .industries .info .ing .ink .institute .insurance .insure .int .international .investments .io .iq .ir .irish .is .it .iwc .je .jetzt .jl.cn .jm .jo .jobs .joburg .jp .js.cn .juegos .jx.cn .kaufen .kddi .ke .kg .kh .ki .kids .kim .kitchen .kiwi .km .kn .koeln .kp .kr .krd .kred .ks.us .ku .kw .ky .ky.us .kyoto .kz .la .la.us .lacaixa .land .lat .latino .latrobe .law .lawyer .lb .lc .lds .lease .legal .lgbt .li .lidl .life .lighting .limited .limo .link .live .living .lk .llc .llp .ln.cn .loan .loans .lol .london .lotto .love .lr .ls .lt .ltd .ltda .ltd.uk .lu .luxe .luxury .lv .ly .m2c .m2m .ma .madrid .maison .mail .management .mango .map .market .marketing .ma.us .mba .mc .md .md.us .me .media .medical .meet .melbourne .meme .memorial .men .menu .me.uk .me.us .med .mf .mg .mh .miami .mi.us .mil .mil.ac .mil.ae .mil.cn .mini .mk .ml .mm .mn .mo .mo.us .mobi .mobile .moda .moe .mom .monash .money .mormon .mortgage .moscow .moto .motorcycles .mov .movie .mp .mq .mr .ms .ms.us .mt .mt.us .mu .museum .music .mv .mw .mx .my .mz .na .nagoya .name .navy .nc .nc.us .nd.us .ne .ne.us .net .network .neustar .net.ac .net.ae .net.cn .net.tw .net.uk .new .news .nexus .nf .ng .ngo .nh.us .nhk .ni .ninja .nj.us .nl .nm.cn .nm.us .no .no.com .nom.ad .now .np .nr .nra .nrw .nu .nv.us .nx.cn .ny.us .nyc .nz .oh.us .ok.us .okinawa .om .one .ong .onl .online .ooo .or.us .org .organic .org.ac .org.ae .org.cn .org.tw .org.uk .osaka .otsuka .ovh .pa .pa.us .paris .partners .parts .party .pay .pe .pet .pets .pf .pg .ph .phd .pharmacy .phone .photo .photography .photos .physio .pics .pictures .pid .ping .pink .pizza .pk .pl .place .play .plc .plc.uk .plumbing .plus .pm .pn .pohl .poker .porn .post .pr .praxi .press .pro .pro.ae .prod .productions .prof .properties .property .ps .pt .pub .pw .py .qa .qc.com .qh.cn .qpon .quebec .racing .radio .re .realestate .realtor .realty .rec .recipes .red .rehab .reise .reisen .reit .ren .rent .rentals .repair .report .republican .rest .restaurant .review .reviews .ri.us .rich .rio .rip .ro .rocks .rodeo .rs .rsvp .ru .ru.com .rugby .ruhr .run .rw .ryukyu .sa .saarland .sale .salon .samsung .sarl .save .sa.com .sb .sc .sca .sc.cn .sc.us .scb .sch.ae .sch.uk .schmidt .school .schule .schwarz .science .scot .sd .sd.cn .sd.us .se .se.com .search .services .sew .sexy .sg .sh .sh.cn .shiksha .shoes .shop .shopping .show .shriram .si .singles .site .sj .sk .ski .sl .sm .sn .sn.cn .so .soc .soccer .social .software .sohu .solar .solutions .soy .spa .space .spiegel .sport .sports .spot .sr .ss .st .store .stream .studio .style .su .supplies .supply .support .surf .surgery .suzuki .sv .swiss .sx.cn .sy .sydney .systems .sz .taipei .tatar .tattoo .tax .taxi .tc .td .team .tech .technology .tel .tennis .tf .tg .th .thai .theater .tickets .tienda .tips .tires .tirol .tj .tj.cn .tk .tl .tm .tn .tn.us .to .today .tokyo .tools .top .tour .tours .town .toys .tp .tr .trade .trading .training .travel .trust .tt .tube .tui .tv .tw .tw.cn .tx.us .tz .ua .ug .uk .uk.com .uk.net .um .university .uno .uol .us .us.com .ut.us .uy .uy.com .uz .va .va.us .vacations .vc .ve .vegas .ventures .versicherung .vet .vg .vi .viajes .video .villas .vision .vin .vip .vision .vlaanderen .vn .vodka .vote .voting .voto .voyage .vt.us .vu .wa.us .wales .wang .watch .web .webcam .website .wed .wedding .wf .whoswho .wi.us .wien .wiki .williamhill .win .wine .wme .work .works .world .wow .ws .wtc .wtf .测试 .परीक्षा .佛山 .集团 .在线 .한국 .ভারত .八卦 .موقع .বাংলা .公益 .公司 .移动 .我爱你 .москва .испытание .қаз .онлайн .сайт .срб .бел .테스트 .орг .삼성 .சிங்கப்பூர் .商标 .商店 .商城 .дети .мкд .טעסט .中文网 .中信 .中国 .中國 .谷歌 .భారత్ .ලංකා .測試 .ભારત .भारत .آزمایشی .பரிட்சை .网店 .संगठन .网络 .укр .香港 .δοκιμή .إختبار .台湾 .台灣 .手机 .мон .الجزائر .عمان .ایران .امارات .بازار .پاکستان .الاردن .بھارت .المغرب .السعودية .سودان .عراق .مليسيا .شبكة .გე .机构 .组织机构 .ไทย .سورية .рус .рф .تونس .みんな .グーグル .世界 .ਭਾਰਤ .网址 .游戏 .vermögensberater .vermögensberatung .企业 .مصر .قطر .广东 .இலங்கை .இந்தியா .հայ .新加坡 .فلسطين .テスト .政务 .wv.us .wy.us .xj.cn .xxx .xyz .xz.cn .yachts .yandex .ye .yoga .yokohama .youtube .yn.cn .yt .yu .za .za.com .zip .zj.cn .zm .zone .zr .zuerich .zw
  25. That is such a mess, I'm sorry but it is. spaghetti php and html code all over (should make all the processing logic by itself and output results into html afterwards) enormous amount of js added (whatever they all do who knows but would make one heavy site to visit) ip's change so is no reliable way to know the ip, plus allowing forwarded ones, should use user accounts instead and a few checks (still no guarantee but is better) not everyone has a static ip, if their ip changes they will either not get credit or someone else will if happen to get the same ip (using a users based system is better to keep track of them) mysql_* is deprecated using unescaped $_GET values into mysql queries, use mysql_real_escape_string() are suppressing all errors with @, instead should add error reporting or errors within code and be taking advantage of it Anyway, I would ordinarily say to use a header() redirect in the code, but you output html before can call on it You might as well add even more javascript at around line 130 in index.php <?php echo '<a href="complete.php">Click here to continue is your prize</a>'; ?> <script type="text/JavaScript"> window.location = "http://your-site.com/complete.php" </script> or a timed one if want them to see that message <script type="text/JavaScript"> setTimeout("location.href = 'http://your-site.com/complete.php';",5000); </script>
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