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Posts posted by zq29

  1. the british term designating the popular group at school (actual brits feel free to float in here and correct me if i'm wrong).


    Yes, that's one of the terms...


    Good show I think, always makes me laugh!

  2. I have 3 macs and have ever had a problem with any of them.


    Fanboys are annoying regardless of what they're fans of, but people that always bitch about fanboys are more annoying.

  3. Infinite files:


         $handle = fopen('file.txt','w');
         fwrite($handle, 'hello');


    Doesn't that continually create and remove the same file?

  4. Anyone heard about the new .tel available to register in March 2009? It works on a different concept where it's used for contact information, which is stored directly on the DNS...

  5. Nice Audi, Thorpe. Not too sure about the after-market wheels though - Audi stock alloys are generally quite pleasing to the eye I think.



    Reversed my '04 Porsche into a parked car a few weeks back. It was pitch black with no street lights and thick fog - I keep telling myself thats an okay excuse, but I still felt sick for the rest of the evening! No damage on the parked car, but my bumpers all creased...

  6. Authors don't get a sexy badge. =(  And we can't set our main group to Authors either.  The radio button is disabled.  Was that intentional?


    I made it to where you can update your primary group to author (Darkwater, I did this for you myself just to test and make sure it went through. Feel free to change it if you wish.)  As far as the image goes, you'll have to wait till Daniel0 makes one of the cool tricked out name tags for the Author Group.


    FYI: After discussions behind the scenes, I don't think we're adding banners for authors.

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