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Posts posted by zq29

  1. So, say your table (dw_customers) has those three fields (customer_name, customer_phone, customer_email) - If you add a forth (customer_telephone), you want your queries to automatically accommodate that addition?


    If I have that right, it is probably doable but I HIGHLY recommend that you don't follow that train of thought.


    You have two options:

    • Design the system before you build it, not while you build it
    • Design the database in a more efficient way


    To design the database to work in a way where you can add fields, I'd probably tackle it like this:



    id, name



    id, name



    id, customer, attribute, value

  2. No, you need to use isset() on both variables:

    if(isset($_POST['div7']) && isset($_POST['div8'])) {
        echo 'Both $_POST[\'div7\'] and $_POST[\'div8\'] is set.';


    Although, your example may actually work, as I believe the above is actually the same as:

    if($_POST['div7'] && $_POST['div8']) {
        echo 'Both $_POST[\'div7\'] and $_POST[\'div8\'] is set.';

  3. their off to college now, but the faster one had an average top download speed of 900 - 1,000kps and the slower one had an average top download speed of 100 - 200kps


    They we're probably downloading from a completely different set of peers, I doubt the hardware is at fault.

  4. A List Apart carried out a survey last year for people who work with the web in one way or the other. I have just been reading the results in the 80-odd page pdf they have compiled - Quite the interesting read, you can check it out here: http://alistapart.com/d/2007surveyresults/2007surveyresults.pdf


    They're also currently running the 2008 survey, I just completed it - If any one is interested: http://alistapart.com/articles/survey2008

  5. I just downloaded and opened your PHP file and there are spaces between each line, I'm on Linux - Is there at all the possibility that you have written this in Windows, and are executing it on a *NIX server? Something to do with the newline character, or the way you have saved the file? I'm just throwing things out there...


    EDIT: Attached screenshot of source in FF3.


    [attachment deleted by admin]

  6. Although i'm not new to programming, just web programming.  I don't feel i'm TOO far off from establishing some kind of hourly rate, but I think I will stick with a flat estimate for now.


    I would still recommend a "flat estimate" on almost all occasions, but this estimate is based on an hourly rate. Charging by the hour can get out of hand quick and you're going to get into dispute with your clients when you bill them for 50 hours when you gave them an estimate of 25...

  7. thanks for the quick reply.


    Do you know if this apache module stable enough to use within a commercial environment? Would this be a method large hosting companies use or will they have their own custom setups?

    We're running suPHP on our (my company, not PHPFreaks) production servers - No problems.

  8. Calculating an hourly rate that works is quite difficult in my opinion, it took me over a year to settle on a rate that I was happy with, and even then, we review it on yearly basis and generally increase it. There are a lot of factors that go into it, such as:

    • Cost of business (Bills, employees, prospecting, etc.)
    • Cost of living
    • You generally have to be cheaper than the competition when you first start out as you have no track record or commercial experience
    • What the current market in your area or country is willing to spend
    • The size of client you are wanting to attract - Corporates will generally spend more than small start-ups


    ...and that is a basic list, there are a number of other factors that you'll discover over time when you're working as a developer, or business owner.

  9. Say the first time you create the site you do everything from scratch and it takes 2 weeks, then you have a similar job where you get to re-use most of your code and it only takes 5 days.  Do you charge the client for 5 days of time or the original 2 weeks it took to build the code?


    I'd charge them for the original 2 weeks. That's how long that functionality took to develop, they shouldn't get a discount because someone else has ordered it before them. The time you save by already having the code in stock contributes to your contingency/profit.

  10. Estimate how long it will take you to complete the project from start to finish, multiply this number of hours by how much you believe your time is worth, add a percentage on for contingency/profit and there you have it.

  11. I've disabled that bbcode now. It's the most annoying tag (sharing it's 1st place with blink).

    I can't remember the last time I actually saw anyone use the blink or marquee tags...

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