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Posts posted by zq29

  1. as for mods earlier to CV, you'll probably find most of us just logged in one day to discover we'd been made mods (after many months and posts here).  i think it was before ron and ober were promoted, but i could be wrong on that.


    the first iteration of the site had a lady with a feather boa as its favourites icon.  that's about as much as i remember about it.

    I think it was actually a bloke, dressed as a woman...

  2. If I remember correctly, ober and ron weren't admins when I became a mod, those promotions happened while I had been a mod for a while... I'm quite sure a proportion of the very old threads aren't even on this iteration of the forums too.

  3. @Zanus:  Windows paint! That's right, I'm old school  8)


    @Dan: Hey I just bought my computer not too long ago, it was the standard trial that came with it.  It actually just expired earlier that morning, lol.   I might go ahead and renew it though.  Apparently my firewall/antivirus options are pretty limited for vista 64 bit at this time.... I found this AVG anti-virus thing and something called Vista FireWall Control which seems to be some kind of addon for Vista's firewall.  I'm certainly open for suggestions. 


    We run AVG on the handful of Windows boxes in our office - Does the job.

  4. Or maybe he knows some other language and his boss wants to give php/mysql a whirl.  Man, he's lucky that I'm in such and understanding mood today because everyone else is doubting him ;)

    Based on what his post says, I very much doubt that he knows another language...

  5. Hrmmm I always thought Wine cost money.  Just googled it.  I might put Linux on this comp later.... lol

    WINE isn't anywhere near perfect, so don't go ahead and switch to Linux hoping that you'll be able to run all of your Windows apps...

  6. But why would the developers have chosen to have some in-built functions pass by reference, and others assign by variable? Like your example with shuffle(), why not with, say, array_reverse() ?


    Give the example in C(++) if you need to, I don't understand the necessity to be language specific when explaining their usefulness...

  7. Like OOP, I understand the theory and practice of how they work - But how are they useful? What would be an every day use for variable references? I just don't see the obvious point in them. Why have two variables that reference the same allocation of memory?

  8. You can get rid of the image by commenting out this block:

    if (isset($rss_channel['IMAGE']) && $full_report == true)
       echo ' <br>'."\n";
       echo ' <a href="'.$rss_channel['IMAGE']['LINK'].'" target="_blank">'."\n";
       echo '  <img src="'.$rss_channel['IMAGE']['URL'].'" border="0" alt="'.$rss_channel['IMAGE']['TITLE'].'" title="'.$rss_channel['IMAGE']['TITLE'].'">'."\n";
       echo ' </a>'."\n";


    Changing the title:

    //Change this:
    echo '>'.$rss_channel['TITLE'].'</a>'."\n";
    //To this...
    preg_match('/^Telegrafi.com - (.*)/',$rss_channel['TITLE'],$m);
    echo '>'.$m[1].'</a>'."\n";

  9. The "sandbox" feature of each time allows it to run faster, so i've read.

    Surely the sandboxing is related to security rather than efficiency?


    Just had a play around with it on one of the Windows boxes in our office. I'm impressed at how much faster pages render in it, some cool features too - Looking forward to the Linux version!

  10. Well, I'd seriously suggest you write a script that converts the current schema to a more efficient one, 300 entries isn't much.


    But, if you're hell-bent on leaving it how it is, to be able to loop through all of the 'branches', you first need to find out how deep the deepest 'branch' goes, then loop up to that number, checking if it exists before printing so that non-existent branches don't throw an error.

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