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Posts posted by zq29

  1. Just to offer some perspective, my company has a number of dedicated servers that we host all of our clients web projects on (that we have developed) and we charge them a monthly (automated) fee. They're all turning a profit for us.


    There are a number of benefits doing it this way:

    • We're making money for not much work (They're managed by our provider)
    • We have control of the environment
    • Our clients have a single point of contact


    Admittedly, you wont start out by making a profit using this model, you're pretty much guaranteed you'll be paying for a large proportion of the monthly bill until you have a few more projects under your belt. It's all about foresight.

  2. Apache is generally configured to only run files with the .php extension through the PHP interpreter. You can configure it to parse .html files too, but why waste system resources on files that aren't going to require it?


    I guess there are a number of reasons, efficiency (as outlined above), ease of identifying a files content without opening it, files can automatically be opened in an application that supports it without a "middleman" checking the file first to find a suitable app based on its content, et cetera.

  3. For instructions on editing your crontab, fire up a CLI and...

    man crontab

    or just edit it with...

    crontab -e

    using the format outlined above by MasterACE14

  4. If they say they want SEO but you've never worked with it don't tell them you can try; tell them that's fine and you can do it.  It'll be up to you to figure it out, but you will come off a lot more confident to them.


    That's not very good advice in my opinion. If you're unsure how to do something, you shouldn't give the impression that you can - This will backfire and make you look unprofessional.


    If you don't know how to do something, tell them you will research it and get back to them.

  5. I'm not saying cloud computing is bad. I'm just saying I'd rather prefer to have my own workstation instead of just a terminal. Another example, how would you do computer games? You wouldn't have enough resources to do that.


    I was just about to bring up gaming.


    Although thin clients most likely will become popular for basic computing tasks, I very much doubt they will replace the workstation.


    Impossible or impractical on the cloud:

    • Video editing
    • Full HD media streaming
    • Heavy image editing
    • "Next-Gen" Gaming
    • 3D Rendering
    • Audio production
    • GIS


    I'm sure there is tonnes more. Plus we don't have anywhere near the amount of bandwidth available, neither is the network infrastructure being invested in enough by far.

  6. Quite a mixture...


    Air, Arctic Monkeys, Avril Lavigne, Black Sabbath, Christina Aguilera, Citizen Cope, DJ Shadow, Death Cab for Cutie, Etta James, Jimi Hendrix, John Mayer Trio, Jurassic 5, Led Zeppelin, Maceo Parker, Oasis, Pink Floyd, Prince, Radiohead, Rage Against the Machine, Ray Charles, Talib Kweli, Tenacious D, The Beatles, The Black Keys, The Hoosiers, The Roots, The White Stripes, The Wombats


    ...theres more, but I can't be arsed.

  7. Just saw a link on the Google homepage, not sure when they're released over here in the UK - But taking a quick look at it, it doesn't look to be made very well... Looks like a toy!


    I've no idea what the spec is on it, as I don't keep up to speed on these things, but have been hearing about it coming for a while now.

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