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Posts posted by zq29

  1. To do this with PHP, I think would be tedious for the user. I'd personally suggest doing it with JavaScript, there's a cool script [url=http://www.walterzorn.com/dragdrop/dragdrop_e.htm]HERE[/url] that you could use to drag a layer around on top of an image, and on creation of the image, grab the coords of the text so you know where to generate it.
  2. [quote author=Rianna link=topic=106716.msg427550#msg427550 date=1157348033]
    Not sure what you mean, can you show me a string for this please, to use instead of mine. Thank you very much!
    Sure, your file would contain:
    0-Sundays text
    1-Mondays text
    2-Tuesdays text
    3-Wednesdays text
    4-Thursdays text
    5-Fridays text
    6-Saturdays text

    And to get todays text, you'd do something like this:
    $banner_no = date("w");
  3. [quote author=steelmanronald06 link=topic=106691.msg426954#msg426954 date=1157251653]
    I get the same with that, but this url:

    Did you check if short tags are enabled? The above still translates as:
    http://localhost/lampgeekz/members/<? echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>

    Try (as in AndyB's post):
    [code]action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">[/code]

    Apologies if you did try that. It wasn't obvious if you had or not.
  4. I have thought many times about switching my delelopment machine over from Windows to a Linux distro, but there are two things holding me back.

    - Photoshop. I just can't get into 'The GIMP', people keep telling me that it has all of the features of Photoshop, but I just can't agree with that. I don't find it very easy to use either.

    - Target users. You have to admit, Windows with IE is probably the most popular combo. You need to be able to test your projects on a machine that is similar to your target users. I have multiple machines I could test on, but it's a pain in the arse switching machines just to test minor alterations. FireFox on Linux and FireFox on Windows do NOT render websites the same either - I have noticed that is the case with Firefox on OSX too. I think it's something to do with the way Linux and OSX render type, as it's antialiased...

    They're the two things holding me back from the switch.
  5. I don't see a problem with your second script, but if you are looping through the post array anyway, why not just escape it there? Less typing involved...
    if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {
        array_pop($_POST); //remove the submit variable
        foreach($_POST as $variable=>$value) {
            $$variable = mysql_real_escape_string($value);
  6. I'd personally go with Norbert Jr.

    Why? Well, I think Kayla would actually read all of the pages, line by line, examining each word to ensure that she has a match or not. 'Hercules', I would imagine, has some form of knowledge with computers maybe? Maybe he knows a little programming? He'd just scan the pages, use some OCR software to convert the scans to text files, and write a script thats less than 5 lines long to do the work for him. Although, that is assuming he hhas some knowledge with computers and programming, if he hasn't, he probably wouldn't get around to even reading the first page.
  7. It's a hard one really, it's all about experience and market research. It's only going to be worth what someone is willing to pay for it. You can also ask yourself questions like, how long did it take to build? Are there any systems out there that do it better than mine, that are free? Et cetera.
  8. [quote author=steelmanronald06 link=topic=105306.msg420609#msg420609 date=1156336394]
    I thought that Apache now came with a setup wizard?
    [/quote]It does (and always has, as far as I'm aware) but I don't want to leave the install up to the end user, and I want a specific configuration. I just downloaded a package called WAMP5 from some French site, which installs AMP all at once in one install so I think this is looking promising, the status on the install showed all of the files being copied and it just looked like the structure of a normal install of Apache, no dll files going anywhere.

    I'll just give it a go when I get half an hour and see what happens, I'd just need to work out how to create a service in Windows if I can get this bit working...
  9. You can create installer applications with software such as InstallShield, although this is commercial software they do have an evaluation version to download and play with. There are free, open source solutions available - There's one from Nullsoft (I think they make WinAmp too)...
  10. [quote author=SharkBait link=topic=105014.msg420714#msg420714 date=1156344881]
    Who here has used or still uses things like Gopher? IRC? Archie? Usenet etc?  I miss the days of the net where you had to know how to use a computer to do anything with it.[/quote]
    I still use IRC and Usenet on a regular basis...
  11. I'm guessing this isn't possible, but I thought I'd ask anyway.

    Bit of background info: I have developed an intranet application that will be distributed on CD with end users that are not up to scratch on installing software such as Apache. (Target OS's are x86 Windows)

    So, what I am wanting to do is create an installation file (either exe or msi). I have got software to do this, namely InstallShield Express. I believe it is possible to trigger an external msi install file from within my installer but I'd prefer it if I didn't have to do this. Idealy I'd like to 'manualy' install Apache with my installer - Would it just be a case of copying the directory structure from a succesful install into my installer? Or is this likely not to work?

    Once I get over the Apache install issue, installing PHP with my installer shouldn't be an issue as it's possible to just copy over the directory structure. Has anyone else need to do this, and did you do it another way? Any tips?

    Thanks guys.
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