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Posts posted by zq29

  1. The sources may be a bit bias but here goes:
    [!--quoteo--][div class=\'quotetop\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\'quotemain\'][!--quotec--]MySQL.com
    It's used in more than 8 million installations ranging from large corporations to specialized embedded applications on every continent in the world. (Yes, even Antarctica!)[/quote]
    [!--quoteo--][div class=\'quotetop\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\'quotemain\'][!--quotec--]php.net/usage.php
    Usage: PHP: 20,475,056 Domains, 1,278,828 IP Addresses[/quote]
    [!--quoteo--][div class=\'quotetop\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\'quotemain\'][!--quotec--]httpd.apache.org
    The November 2005 Netcraft Web Server Survey found that more than 70% of the web sites on the Internet are using Apache, thus making it more widely used than all other web servers combined.[/quote]
    As far as Linux stats, maybe try [a href=\"http://counter.li.org/reports/machines.php\" target=\"_blank\"]http://counter.li.org/reports/machines.php[/a]

    Hope that helped some.
  2. [!--quoteo(post=361360:date=Apr 3 2006, 10:44 PM:name=redbullmarky)--][div class=\'quotetop\']QUOTE(redbullmarky @ Apr 3 2006, 10:44 PM) [snapback]361360[/snapback][/div][div class=\'quotemain\'][!--quotec--]the F11 key on the Mac is also a godsend too sometimes.[/quote]
    Thats the Konspose isn't it? I love that tool, It uses F9 and F10 aswell but slightly different function to F11. I'm in my office at the moment, but if I can recall, F9 spreads all of the widows out on the screen and you can pick one to bring to the front. F10 spreads out all of the windows within the current active application. Love it!

    There are a few things that are a bit annoying in OS X though for me...
    1) You can only drag a window bigger/smaller from the bottom right.
    2) The lack of a # key, I can never remember the key-combo... Is it Option + 3 ?
    3) You can't open folders by pressing return on them, that activates the rename command.

    There are a few other things too that I can't remember right now, but they are just minor inconveniences that I will get the hang of soon.

    Oh, the Genie effect when you minimise stuff is pretty cool too!
  3. Sorry for my late reply here, been very busy recently! As for performance of the Mini in comparison to the other models, I'd pretty much agree with redbullmarky. Although, I haven't used any other Macs before, so I have nothing to compare it to really. I've got the G4 based one and its plently fast for what I use it for. I'd love to give the Intel based one a go though, although my G4 one runs Photoshop CS2 on it perfectly fine. I'll be upgrading the RAM from 512MB to 1024MB in the near future though.
  4. I too have been a Windows user since back in the days of 3.1, and only a month or so ago did I invest in a MacMini for the sole purpose of testing my web projects in. I absolutly love OS X, its an infinite times better than WinXP in both looks, functionality and stability. I am actually considering getting one of the Intel based macs as soon as software such as Photoshop is running on them.

    If truth be told, I only ever switch my Windows based computer on to play CounterStrike: Source.

    Although I do use an XP machine in my office to code on.
  5. [!--quoteo(post=356902:date=Mar 21 2006, 09:56 AM:name=SemiApocalyptic)--][div class=\'quotetop\']QUOTE(SemiApocalyptic @ Mar 21 2006, 09:56 AM) 356902[/snapback][/div][div class=\'quotemain\'][!--quotec--]

    They don't appear to slow down any of my machines... Is it just on this site, or JavaScript as a whole?

    Actually, I take that back. Mine is a bit slow when trying to scroll down the page with the wheel on my mouse...

  6. I have a field set as a varchar datatype, but on occasion I would need to treat it as if it were a float field in a php script, sometimes it may have a price in there that I wish to order from ascending to descending, and ofcourse, it doesn't work as expected when its a varchar field.
    I have tried something like this, with no luck, can this even be done?
    [!--sql--][div class=\'sqltop\']SQL[/div][div class=\'sqlmain\'][!--sql1--][span style=\'color:blue;font-weight:bold\']SELECT[/span] `price`[color=green]AS[/color] FLOAT() [color=green]FROM[/color] [color=orange]`table`[/color] [color=green]ORDER BY[/color] `price` [color=green]ASC[/color] [!--sql2--][/div][!--sql3--]
  7. I just checked, none of your 16 posts have either been deleted, or made invisible. In the users online box at the bottom of the forum, click your name, then profile options, then view users posts. You should then see all of your posts listed - I'm not sure if this is a moderator only feature, so if you can't see this option maybe thats why, but your posts are still on the forum.


    Alternatively, click on the search button, then click the advanced options button, you can then filter by username - Type your username into that box and leave the search box empty, this should also find all of your posts.

  8. Type "ttf2gdf" into your favourite search engine, thats the only bit of software I could find for converting true type fonts into GD compatible fonts.

    If you are asking this because you want to use a true type font in an image creation script, you can use TTF's with the function imagettftext()
  9. [!--quoteo(post=356152:date=Mar 18 2006, 01:19 PM:name=nadz)--][div class=\'quotetop\']QUOTE(nadz @ Mar 18 2006, 01:19 PM) [snapback]356152[/snapback][/div][div class=\'quotemain\'][!--quotec--]in the same way is it possible theres another format of webpage that has preference over an index.php file?[/quote]
    Again, this would be outlined in httpd.conf - Might be worth asking your host to see what preference order your index files are in.
  10. The default page name is set in the Apache configuration file httpd.conf - If you are on anything but a dedicated server, or you run your own server, I doubt your host will alter this.

    You might be able to do something with a .htaccess file to alter this in your sites root, or it might even be worth playing with redirects in your scripts. Something like a meta refresh, or maybe with php's header() function?
  11. Aahhh, why not check for commented lines too while you're at it...
    [code]$lines = 0;
    foreach (glob("*.php") as $filename) {
        $thefile = file($filename);
        foreach($thefile as $key => $val){
            if(trim($val) != '' || substr(trim($val),0,2) != "//")
    echo "Pretty accurate estimate lines of code: ". $lines;[/code]
  12. To check if the file is actually in the directory I would try something like this, which is the best I can think of right now - anyone else have any better ideas?
    // Set some vars
    $dir = "/public/uploads/";
    $found = 0;
    $date = date("Ymd");

    // Open a known directory, and proceed to read its contents and check for the presence of a partial filename
    if(is_dir($dir)) {
       if($dh = opendir($dir)) {
           while((($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) && $found == 0) {
               if(strpos($file,"rva-1.$date.")) {
                  $found = 1;
                  $filename = $file;

    if(isset($filename)) echo "Todays file was found, it is called <b>$filename</b>";
  13. The best thing to help you on your way would be a list of the functions I would use here, then you can look them up in the manual to see how they work and how they are used. Most manual pages have examples scripts and plenty of user input to get a good idea of where to start. If you are unaware of the manual, you can find it at php.net.

    [b][u]Downloading the file[/u][/b]
    fread() / file_get_contents()

    [b][u]Put in table[/u][/b]

    [b][u]Creating bars[/u][/b]
    Probably best to do this with a set of images, maybe 10 different ones, each one with the bar slightly more filled in, then use a switch() or elseif() control structure to decide which image to use for the current number.
  14. [!--quoteo(post=352039:date=Mar 6 2006, 11:58 AM:name=Seamless)--][div class=\'quotetop\']QUOTE(Seamless @ Mar 6 2006, 11:58 AM) [snapback]352039[/snapback][/div][div class=\'quotemain\'][!--quotec--]i also have a the format of an email which i can implement but i'm just not sure how

    What you have there is a regular expression, this can be used with the function preg_replace() - Check the details in the manual, this function should help you with what you are trying to do.
  15. If you are storing them in a database, like you say, this should work fine...
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT `link` FROM `table`") or die(mysql_error());
    while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        echo "<a href='http://$row[link]'>$row[link]</a><br/>";
  16. Not sure if this would work straight off the bat, might need a bit of tweaking on your behalf but this is the general idea that I'm thinking:
    //$old_array contains your current array
    $new_array = array();

    $keys = array_keys($old_array);
    for($i=0; $i<count($keys); $i++) {
        if(strpos($keys[$i],"flexinode_") === FALSE)
            $new_array[] .= $old_array[$i];

    print_r($new_array); //Should display your array with the flexinode keys removed.
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