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Everything posted by crmamx

  1. I made them all the same height with my photo editor so do I still need to do that?
  2. quickoldcar To be honest I included the mention of Wamp because my mentor has been urging me to install it. But since I have only the one site I do not want to go to the trouble. And being the tutorial is aimed at a CSS beginner, I have been thinking of removing the mention of Wamp server from the tutorial. What do you think? I will vote for that. Thanks for taking the time.
  3. The use of the English language is really bad. knowin, gaurunteed "Offering you more than 20 years of experience."........not a complete sentence Apostrophes are missing in several words.
  4. Good idea, will do. But since when I call in a prescription and she says "Please enter your prescription number and when you finish, press the pound key" I will call it the pound sign."..
  5. think you will find thats called a hash still reading....... It's called many things. A Google search will produce, among others: An id selector is defined in CSS using the "#" sign /* All id selectors are defined with a pound symbol (#) before their name */ In the CSS, a class selector is a name preceded by a full stop (.) and an ID selector is a name preceded by a hash character (#). The id selector is then defined with a hash- or pound-sign (#) before the id name. ID is specified by including a number sign (#) before the selector name. Number sign is a name for the symbol #, which is used for a variety of purposes including, in some countries, the designation of a number (for example, "#1" stands for "number one"). The symbol is in Unicode as code point U+0023 #​ number sign (35decimal); it is also present in ASCII with the same value. In the United States, the symbol is usually called the pound sign, and the key bearing this symbol on touch-tone phones is called the pound key. In Canada, this key is most frequently called the number sign key. In most English-speaking countries outside North America, the symbol is usually called the hash, and the corresponding telephone key is the hash key. Beginning in the 1960s, telephone engineers have attempted to coin a special name for this symbol, with variant spellings including octothorp, octothorpe, octathorp, and octatherp.[1] None has become universal or widely accepted. In non-English speaking nations, other names for this symbol are also used.
  6. Many thanks... I had such a hell of a time learning CSS ( and I am still far from an expert ) that I thought there had to be a better way. So I tried to put something together for the beginner who is probably only going to do one site. It definitely is not intended for the advanced programmer. A lot of the format and content was derived from reading the questions on the CSS forum.
  7. What kind of split do you want? Komodo shows the code in the top pane and previews the result in the bottom pane. You can make changes in the top and see them real time in the bottom.
  8. Well it's finally finished and ready for critique. For those of you that don't know my history and that look at this tutorial, my story is recapped on the first page. I made this tutorial for beginners with no experience with CSS, as I was when I started. I hope it turns out to be a useful document. I would appreciate any and all suggestions and critiques. http://bayarearcsociety.com/tutorial/css_tutorial1.php
  9. If I understand you correctly, I faced the same problem. I completely rewrote my site. So I moved all the old files from public.html to a new directory(s) I created. Then I simply moved the new site files into public.html. Now I can link from the new to the old or provide a url to the old. Worked like a charm.
  10. Special characters. Damn! I was looking for something more complicated. Thanks
  11. This code: <p>To do this we will use a descendant selector which will select only <xmp><h1></xmp> elements within a div.</p> Produces this To do this we will use a descendant selector which will select only <h1> elements within a div. I want it to look like this To do this we will use a descendant selector which will select only <h1> elements withing a div. What's the magic code?..
  12. That's all I needed to hear. I'll get it shortly because I need all the help I can get. Thanks!
  13. Is anyone using this and if so is it worthwhile to get? I have Firebug. I have checked the web site and it gets good reviews but I don't see what it does. Plus he has a two page list of "issues."
  14. FF4. The F11 key did it. As long as I've messed with browsers I did not know a thing about the F keys. Many thanks.
  15. Too bad I haven't finished mine. She could have been my first customer....
  16. I was surfing with Firefox and must have hit the wrong key somewhere because I lost all navigation, menus and toolbars at the top and icons and everything at the bottom. All I have showing is the web page itself. Have restarted the computer and tried right clicking everything with no results. How do I restore it? Thanks
  17. Yep, that is kind of what I had figured. But I am getting totally confused. It is ok to use php in the programs I am using to develop the tutorial. I did not want to use them in any of my examples and I don't have to. There is where my confusion was. But like I said before, sometimes I will get in my car and forget where I was going... cssfreakie to the rescue! Thanks pal....
  18. You probably know this story by now. I had a web site that used html, frames and inline css. Basically speaking, using [base target=content], the header, footer and menu never moved. All I had to worry about in developing programs was the content. I rewrote the site using php and external css and again I did not have to worry about the header, footer or menu, just the content. Now I am writing a new site using just html and external css. No frames of course and I don't want to use php. My problem is that in each program I have to include the code for the header, footer and menu as well as the content. Redundancy galore plus I am constantly changing the menu and consequently have to change 20 programs. The programs look like this: <div id="container"> <div id="header"> </div> <div id="content"> </div> <div id="aside"> <div id="menu"> </div> </div> <div id="footer"> </div> </div> If I link to a program that brings in the header, footer and menu, then they are not in the proper sequence. Without using frames or php, just html and css is there a way I can write the header, footer and menu just one time and reference it from my content program and have it in the right sequence?
  19. If you are going to all the trouble to try and style tables using css, why not just use css to do the layout and forget the tables. Tables are not the way to display and position an image. And using tables to make a menu does not make any sense. Do it all with external css.
  20. I have been thru all this and agree with freakie. Except I find netbeans too complicated for me and use Komodo. It gives you the ability to preview your code real time as you make changes as long as you are not using php.
  21. I have echoed your comments several times. Unfortunately I am one of those that barely gets by on a meager SS check and cannot afford the supporter icon. However I hope to "payback" to some degree with something I am working on that several of the "vets" have said might be useful to phpfreaks. Stay tuned....
  22. Ok guys, I am looking at Wamp. Ya'll are just too convincing...
  23. Man, that is just simple math. I need to make $80,000 a year so that divided by 3 months = $20,000....
  24. I am shutting this down because I have made good progress with the tutorial. I have uploaded it to my server and I will post it soon in the website critique forum for you guys to fine tune.
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