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Everything posted by cssfreakie

  1. it's indeed a nice cat but seriously check the path!
  2. I recommend to just place a reset.css above your own style. See the sticky topic if you have no idea what that is. In a nutshell to make it look the same in all browsers
  3. If it contains private info, don't publish it via internet. But seriously if you want help, be more specific.
  4. KDM, do you have what you tried online? this code should just works. but i am pretty sure you just copy pasted it without thinking, and declared it not working, without checking the path to the image. Which is pretty vital. So if you could provide us with a a link to your on line example (you tested it right?) and the right path (or link) to the image we might be able to fix it in your circumstances. for now 'not working' tells us nothing.
  5. did you run the code i provided, because that is how to center an unordered list in the middle of the screen no matter the contents?
  6. i just posted a link on another question of yours, I recommend to check that out it shows what i meant. only thing extra is the pseudo hover class, but that isn't rockets science either. #element{ position: /*anything other than static */ ; } #element:hover{ z-index:10; }
  7. I hope I understand you right, but i think you meant: http://ghosthuntersportal.com/store.php?product=1#specifications And if that is the case and you mean to vertical align <span class="specs_text_spacer">Frequency Range</span> in the middle of that div vertical align can't do that. (huh what? indeed it can't although lots of people think it can because of the name.) just to show what i mean this is what the manual says. Another problem with this set-up is that the height of the left div will never increase in size when the content at the right increases. Normally a small trick to vertical align text is to give it the same line-height as the height of the box, but in this case that would not work because there are 2 independent divs. In this case the easiest way to do this is to use a table. both boxes than have something in common, which is a row height. In that case you can use vertical align middle.
  8. I hope i understand you right. But if you simple said, want elements to overlap each other you require a position other than static (which is the default) plus you need a z-index property. What that little blue circle does below i have no idea. I created an example, since z-indexes show up here pretty often. you can have a look here: http://cssfreakie.webege.com/phpfreaks/ has just been added.
  9. just to take away some confusing. http is stateless. if you want to create a dynamic form (and you already know how to make a stateless form) you require something like php to fetch results from a database and populate the form values. Since you posted this in the html forum, and wasn't able to show any code so far, it's more than likely that you needed help in making a normal form first... Ones you know that you might want to have a look at the database handling tutorial written by Crayon Violent at phpfreaks.com/tutorials after wards it should be a piece of cake to produce this.
  10. Sunfighter has a point crossbrowser issues are often caused by a missing doctype. (for IE that is) Since you already have a doctype, that is not the problem. But two other thing that are important in order to fix/prevent cross browser issues. First is the use of a reset.css (see sticky of the css forum) until you know what your doing use it (place it above your other styles). Afterwards you can drop it, if you find those 3 kb to much, wouldn't recommend it though. Second fix all errors in the document (pay attention though the validator does not like css3 although it can very well be valid) p.s. just changing a doctype to a different one won't fix the errors, in fact the validator is pretty precise in pointing out what is the error and what might cause it.
  11. it's called a sticky footer: http://ryanfait.com/sticky-footer/
  12. http://tinyurl.com/6g6lrdl
  13. Apart from using jquery for reasons mentioned above (cross browser compatibility, which is just not true, unless you target IE6 and lower, and that is only to mimic the pseudo hover) (interesting enough 8 posts down this same person asks how to do this with css...) Teynon already provided code that almost worked with just css. except that it should be .link:hover and not .link hover for more info have a read on the pseudo hover class. <style type="text/css"><!-- dont forget to give a type attribute! --> .link { background-image: none; } .link:hover { background-image: url(images/myimage.png); } </style>
  14. hellooo! Since you did not supply any relevant css, apart from html I think we need to guess what you need. Is it a horizontal menu? or vertical? do you have a fluid layout? or a fixed center page? here is one method that works without an additional div, since an <ul> is already a container. If it doesn't work for you be more precise and provide some useful css and what you tried, or even better an on line example. In the end we are not Human googles that respond to 'helloo' some html with a logical indention + an #ID of #menu <ul id="menu"> <li> <a href="index.htm">HOME</a> </li> <li> <a href="update.htm">MY ACCOUNT</a> </li> <li> <a href="regis.htm">REGISTER</a> </li> <li> <a href="content.htm">BROWSE MUSIC</a> </li> <li> <a href="uploaded.htm">UPLOAD MUSIC</a> </li> <li> <a href="contact.htm">CONTACT</a> </li> </ul> the css (assuming it's a horizontal menu) ul#menu {background:#f4a; width:900px; text-align: center; margin:0 auto;} #menu li{display:inline; }
  15. i have a seen quite a few of your questions now, and before i give a hint i recommend you just buy a manual for css. everything you asked so far is so basic, that even if you would google for it, it should pop up. Adn i don't mean to insult anyone here, but reading a decent books takes you only a week or so. If i were you I would do that. Now back to you question. the properties you need are position: absolute. z-index and pseudo hover.
  16. It is solved i provided the code which works, but you didn't apply it.
  17. google for box-shadow.
  18. #element{ position: fixed; }
  19. the 'best' way is not the right way to ask in my opinion. The best way is the right tool for the right moment. Doing something with pure css limits you in a way, but increases the user base. Using javasscript does the opposite. Just looking at the title of your question. I made A tooltip with just css. Have a look here I made something for a fellow phpfreak just a week ago. The code is pretty self explanatory. So read it carefully.
  20. he pm'ed me that it worked. Too bad that Solved Button is not that clear for everybody
  21. your side turn on all alarmbels. seems you are hosting malware. Not interested in looking at it
  22. it can if you compare against pre set values in a database.
  23. Since the original writer can't seem to find this sticky, I post it for him. If your completely new to css, and you rather do on line tutorials instead of reading a book, You might want to give the following a try. Written by a fellow phpfreak named crmamx.
  24. css is not as complex as a php or javascript. but there are some best practises and a few concepts you should know. so do that tutorial and read the sticky above this thread, and you will be fine. And trust me i am happy to provide help. But it''s even more fun if you in the end know how to do it and can help others around here or else. that's the idea of the forum, learn and help.
  25. also have a look at the other stuff mentioned above
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