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Everything posted by cssfreakie

  1. just as a side note i assume you also moved the <link into the <head> section? There is a reason I mentioned that in the last post. Now back to this question padding is declared clockwise starting at the top. so img{ padding: 1px 2px 3px 4px; } would give this image a padding top of 1pixel, a padding right of 2 pixels, a padding bottom of 3 pixels and a padding left of 4 pixels. You might want to google for css box-model. even better get a nice book on the subject. (books are worth there weight in gold). If you want to move text in the middle of an image, they need to be overlapping each other. (they need other dimensions) I recommend you first have a look in to the properties position:relative; and position:absolute; ones you provided some code that showed you can apply just some text overlapping the image i am happy to provide the solution how to center it. (because that is a bit tricky) for now, i recommend you learn some css basics. A nice tutorial can be found here: http://bayarearcsociety.com/tutorial/css_tutorial1.php It wont take you long to finish it, but if you don't like books that is okay enough as a starter. It's made by another phpfreak user (crmamx) that learned css just 6 months ago.
  2. also put the <link tag inside the <head> section. besides that be more precise with what you mean with not working. symptoms please, or say what you expect.
  3. it's not!! If you would have just tested this with the advice given above you would have known. #scroller{ height: 100%; margin-left: auto; /* changed */ margin-right: auto; /* changed */ overflow: visible; position: relative; /* changed */ text-align: left; width: 1000px; /* changed */ z-index: 1; } So to sum it up, to center you need: a fixed width, margin 0 auto. and that only works when the object is part of the normal flow so that's why we use position relative.... besides from the use of the capslock to point out you missed something yourself. the element had a position of Absolute. YOU set it to LEFT! So no wonder it moves to the left. Please if you are going to take up in fixing these kind of websites buy a manual for css, look up positioning, floats clears overflow and never use inherit as property.
  4. here is a great tutorial: http://css.maxdesign.com.au/floatutorial/ even if you won't use it on this project if your earning your money with this kind of stuff. you need to know this. For now, wrapping it all in a div with a fixed width and set margin to it as stated above. you propapy have tp remove some margin properties you have now. (like the 10% ones)
  5. as said, try this out in a sterile environment and not on a redundant page. (not to insult, but this could have been done much smoother, right now you have loads of properties that overwrite each other) not using floats is your choice, i just don't see why someone would not use them. Can you give 1 valid reason ?
  6. That's because your not yet using margin:0 auto; but 10 percent. Note though, you might need to adjust quite some stuff, since you have loads of positionings other than static not to mention quite some extra margin around various elements. SO i recommend you test out the margin: 0 auto (+ a width) in a sterile environment to see how it works. after that adjust your page. And if i were you, skip the tables, and learn to use floats, and clears.
  7. try out: <form action="" method="post"> Interests<br /> Sports<input type="checkbox" name="interests[]" value="Sports" /> <br /> Reading<input type="checkbox" name="interests[]" value="Reading" /> <br /> Surfing<input type="checkbox" name="interests[]" value="Surfing" /> <br /> <input type="submit" value="submit" name="submit" /> </form> <?php if(isset($_POST['submit'])&& isset($_POST['interests'])){ // if someone presses submit and 'interest is also set var_dump($_POST['interests']); // var_dump just show how the array is build up, just use for testing foreach($_POST['interests'] as $value) {// for each loop since it's an array echo 'you are interested in '.$value.'<br />'; //echo out each value that is inside of the array }//end foreach }// end if clause
  8. as far as i can see, your page is centered. So that seems the problem is solved. just checked in ie789 and firefox 4. to center a block. give it a width and use margin:0 auto; on it. although i must say, your mark-up is pretty over complicated. In other words this could be done much easier. First of all, don't use tables for layout purposes, it's chaotic and redundant. Second, if you would just take a div as wrapper (as a container around all your content and a width of for instance 960px; than use margin:0 auto on it you #wrapper{width:960px; margin:0 auto;} in html ... <body> <div id="wrapper"> your content inside here. </div> </body> ...
  9. your welcome! don't forget to mark the topic solved
  10. this is chrome, as far as i know. You might want to have a look here: http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/list?can=2&q=aliased&sort=id&colspec=ID+Stars+Pri+Area+Feature+Type+Status+Summary+Modified+Owner+Mstone+OS&cells=tiles
  11. run it through the validator, i am pretty sure this is invalid. http://validator.w3.org/
  12. add $headers .= "BCC: fatmonkeys@yourbccemailshizzle.com";
  13. Where is this resources thingy you mentioned? http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=110530.15 under the css forum sticky on top of the page called resources
  14. it's good to see someone else that is using as much emoticons as me Welcome! and if you want to learn css, check out the tutorial of crmamx!
  15. nice one, you might also want to consider writing shorthand css body{ background:#000 url(code.gif) no-repeat; }
  16. it looks valid, But the point is, where is that image? in the same folder as the style sheet? We can't see the context here. So if you have an online example i am pretty sure to find the problem. it could also be: background-image: url('../code.gif'); or background-image: url('../images/code.gif');
  17. your welcome! don't forget to mark the topic solved, saves us time reading through
  18. since you don't have any code or even better an on line example we have to guess. My best guess is that you are missing the clear property, which is pretty vital when using floats
  19. if you post a question make sure it is understandable. certainly if you are in school business. If something is wider than it's container it will overlap the container. I assume you made this yourself? if so get firebug (addon for firefox) and see what the width is of the part that is overlapping. I just checked and it's to wide. If you never worked with firebug, you might want view a brief introduction vid on my blog. For any future project i can recommend you use a css grid system. it keeps things nicely aligned and you won't have any troubles like you have now.
  20. sorry dude, If i run it even in that mode (what would you) the results are the same. It just looks good.
  21. just to rephrase the problem. The block with calender events sometimes shows up underneath the flash video. The reason for this is because in that case it's to big. make it a little smaller say width 250px; at line 366 of your stylesheet: #rightcolumn_wrapper { background: none repeat scroll 0 0 white; border: 2px solid #ECECEC; border-radius: 12px 12px 12px 12px; color: #333333; display: block; float: right; height: 460px; margin: 40px 2px 2px 0; overflow: auto; padding: 2px; position: relative; text-align: left; width: 250px; /* i changed this value */ } That should work
  22. for the sake of repetition "it fails miserably" isn't precise!!
  23. i was afraid of something like that. apart from the missing quotes around the attribute values, which could cause weird results crossbrowser; the problem with that code is that you make your php more complicated than needed. A good thing to do is to separate concerns (style and logic apart). So separate the css in a different file called a stylesheet. certainly since this is a table cel. can you imagine a table with say 300 cells. you will need to add that align="center" (that's 14 characters times 300, makes 4200 extra characters) instead of just using td{text-align:center;} in a stylesheet
  24. apart from the fact that you figured it out, it's always nice to share the solution so others can be helped also, if they were searching for a solution. I assume you used, td{text-align:center;} and if not, i would consider it.
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