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Posts posted by spiderwell

  1. whats also confusing is that the hash (which ironically i can't find on this mac keyboard) sign in UK is called the pound sign in america.




    p.s where is it on a mac keyboard dammit!! i got a euro sign €€€€€€



  2. only october just gone, however i am moving to london to try get better wage, i earned 27k there 10 years ago, not quite sure what happened ol. (well i do but i wont bore you with details). they dont want me to leave until end of april, but as mentioned earlier i can work from home 24/7 for 2 and a half months! result!

  3. Ok first of all theres no looping of recordset to fill an array to make the dropdown, so i have added that and fills an array with that info,

    i also moved things around a bit to make more sense for you, also i havent checked for typos or syntax, so you might need to do that


    $sql="SELECT stafflist.id, stafflist.full_name, stafflist.branch, branch.branchid, branch.branch as branchname FROM stafflist left Join branch on stafflist.company=branch.companybranch WHERE id = '".$staffid."'"; 
    $userbranch = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    $sql1="SELECT * FROM branch WHERE companybranch = '".$company."'"; 
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result1)) 
    	$arrBranches = $row //this is putting each row from database into array to use later
    <select id="userlevel" name="userlevel">
    	<option value="0">Choose one</option>
    foreach ($arrBranches as $branch)//for each array in the array of branches
    			echo '<option value="' . $branch['branchid'] . '"'; 
    			if($userbranch['branch'] == $branch['branchid']) echo ' selected ';
    			echo '>';
    			echo $branch['branch'];
    			echo '</option>';

  4. <select id="user_groupid" name="user_groupid">
    	<option value="0">Choose one</option>
    	foreach ($arrUserGroups as $arrGroup)
    			echo '<option value="' . $arrGroup['group_id'] . '"'; 
    			if($arrUser['user_groupid'] == $arrGroup['group_id']) echo ' selected ';
    			echo '>';
    			echo $arrGroup['group_name'];
    			echo '</option>';



    this should point you in the right direction, i have in this case already filled arrUserGroup with values from my database

  5. w3schools isn't the most reliable of sources, I should add.


    If you are just learning css, it might be worth reading up about CSS resets, which resets all elements to  zero margins and paddings, so consistency across browsers is easier to achieve. it does mean you have to re define the ones you reset, but at least you know they will match across browsers

  6. I would say the iamges are far too heavy at 1.5meg each, you really need to optimise those, it takes 5 seconds to load for me and in the meantime i get ugly blank screen.


    I think the probverb and image should be linked, and change together, but what found rather odd was the font size changing depending on the quote, rather than say the box expanding to fit the text.



  7. I think you need eval to run it on the fly


    public function setMethodForms($methodName){
    	echo $methodName." and does it exist ". (int)method_exists($this->formsObj, $methodName);
    	//test to see if the method exists 
    	if ((int)method_exists($this->formsObj, $methodName) == 1){
    		//if it does exist
    		eval ('$arrProjects = $this->formsObj->' . $methodName . '()'); 
    		$return $arrProjects;
    	return false; 


    i haven't checked the code to test it for typos, but you have to evalulate the code, pass the response to a variable called $arrProjects which is then returned.

  8. I was just guesitmating those percentages, just to give you the idea


    well if you know the width of the container and the viewport, take the smaller from the larger to get a figure of remaining area and divide that by 2 and the left and right div should be that width.


    i guess the problem is the outer ones need to expand to fill the screen so they cant be fixed. I'm not so sure how to do that really,


    It might be easier to use a table with 3 columns and use fixed center and * for the other 2 cells. but i hate tables.



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