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Posts posted by fugix

  1. Genius :D I follow!


    So what i should be doing is set it to 0 for example then update it to 1


    Genius! will try it out.


    I've finished work now..gotta beat the traffic.


    If your online tonight or tommorow I let u kno how I get on.


    Thanks buddy u've been a revelation.


    speak 2 u soon

    no problem at all, if you have any further questions dont hesitate to ask

  2. the query that i provided above should be what you are looking for...whatever query you are using to output the names of the people that customers can book is the table that you will want to add this to. I believe that its this one

    $getquery=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM book_appointment WHERE c_id='$check_id' and booked='0'");

    now, you will set the default value of that field to 0, meaning that they are not booked yet. Then when a customer books one of the people, you will have an update query similar to this

    $getquery=mysql_query("update book_appointment set booked='1' WHERE persons_id='id'");

    now granted i dont know what your fields are called, that is just an example...any further questions let me know

  3. you know what you could do, you could add another field called "booked" or something like that, and when a customer books a client, the value of that field you could make be 1, or yes using an update query...and set the default value to 0, or no. then you can set your display query to this

    $getquery=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM book_appointment WHERE c_id='$check_id' and booked='0'");

    this would make it so it will only show people that arent booked...make sense?

  4. $classes = array('0' => "Azure Knight", '1' => "Segita Hunter", '2' => "Incar Magician", '3' => "Vicious Summoner", '4' => "Segnale", '5' => "Bagi Warrior");  
    Foreach($classes as $k=>$v). {
        Echo "<img src='{$v}.jpg' />";
    however the space in the names might cause a problem. I would advise adding an underscore or some connecting character instead

  5. When asking to mark the thread as solved, take note of whether the person is new (possibly go look to see if they've marked any others as solved) then point them in the right direction.  Asking them to click the "TOPIC SOLVED" button, which is below the posts, on the left of the screen, above the Quick Reply box, ain't too difficult now is it? 


    Also, don't forget to tell them that they'll get jelly beans when they mark a thread as solved.


    lol...was just a thought that i wanted to throw out there

  6. fugix it works! thanks for all your help! and thanks PaulRayn for correcting my mistakes, much appreciated! im trying to work on silly part :)

    glad I could help, if you have any more problems we'll be here!

  7. yeah, use this

    if (isset($_REQUEST['submit'])) {
    $date1= $_POST['day'] . "-" . $_POST['month'] . "-" . $_POST['year'];
    $sql = "INSERT INTO $db_table(Country,Nationality,Province,DATE1) values ('".mysql_real_escape_string(stripslashes($_REQUEST['Country']))."','".mysql_real_escape_string(stripslashes($_REQUEST['Nationality']))."','".mysql_real_escape_string(stripslashes($_REQUEST['Province']))."','$date1')";
    if($result = mysql_query($sql ,$db)) {
    echo '<h1>Success!</h1>';
    } else {
    echo "ERROR: ".mysql_error();
    } else 

  8. Echo your query before you submit it. Plug it into a raw query line (like from the console or PHPMyAdmin) and see what errors are reported.


    Chances are there is a problem with your query.


    this is already implemented in her code

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