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Everything posted by boompa

  1. boompa


    A quick Google and reading of the docs finds: http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net/documentation/sym_crypt.html#sym_crypt_padding
  2. See the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) topic.
  3. Look to the line before line 21. What's missing from that line?
  4. Ah! Not using mysqli I didn't realize this was some sort of wrapper or something. My bad. And I missed the attached file. Damn, I'm slipping!
  5. You may need to attach it as a file, because we're definitely not seeing anything here.
  6. This is the manual page for mysqli. Do you see anything called foundRows there? Maybe there's something else there that accomplishes what you want. Please learn to read your errors, understand them, and reference the PHP manual.
  7. INSERT INTO leads ('agentID What's that ' doing in there?
  8. HINT: There's another function in the PHP mysql (deprecated, BTW) library. It's called mysql_error(), and it prints out the last error mysql encountered. Might come in handy here, as well as not suppressing errors/warnings with the @ sign.
  9. <?php foreach ($apps as $app) { ?> You're iterating over $apps creating an $app variable, so why are you using the array variable $apps instead of $app in your loop? <?php foreach ($apps as $app) { ?> <li><a href="article.php?id=<?php echo $apps['app_id']; ?>"> <img src="<?php echo $row_getdetails['app_img']; ?>" alt="Image from DB" /> <?php echo $apps['app_title']; ?> </a> <?php } ?> And $row_getdetails doesn't seem to be a valid variable either. You need to learn to turn on error reporting and check your error logs, because I'm sure these things are producing at last warnings.
  10. It's $_POST not $_post. Case sensitivity and all.
  11. boompa

    json api

    You might get help if you actually showed you tried something more than just dumping what you want on a forum.
  12. For a simple test, try creating a page -- to which you will POST -- like this: See here for more info on the argument EDIT: BAH! The forum keeps eating my response. The function you want is file_get_contents(). The argument to that is the second one on that page I liked to (the one that doesn't start with std)
  13. Refer to AbraCadaver's response #2 and change the field names accordingly.
  14. Bad XML. In fact, given the presence of head and div tags, I'd say you're getting back HTML. Maybe your login has expired?
  15. Let me guess...you copied and pasted his ellipsis as well
  16. When you send mail...you must have a mail server (SMTP) to send the mail to. That mail server then sends the mail to its intended recipient at another server. Standard Windows installations do not have a built-in mail server like Linux/UNIX, so you must tell PHP to what server you are going to send mail for transmission. You can read all about it in the mail() runtime configuration documentation.
  17. First, you should be posting code in code tags. Second, in what way isn't it working? What is your input and output?
  18. Time for you to spend some time learning about arrays, I guess.
  19. You are connecting as a particular user with a particular password. Did you 1. create that user and password in MySQL 2. GRANT that user permissions for the database to which you're connecting
  20. Is there a reason you're rolling your own password algorithm with md5? It's insecure. Why not use password_compat? Easy and secure. And forward-compatible.
  21. $HTTP_POST_FILES Can't help with IIS issues, but I just wanted to say that based on your use of the above whatever tutorial you are following is *old*. Consider reading the actual PHP documentation on handling file uploads.
  22. First thing to do is check the value of $data here: function viewStats() { $results = array(); // getList $data = cmsStats::getWebStats(); $results['ListWebStats'] = $data['results']; $results['totalRows'] = $data['totalRows']; $results['totalClicks'] = $data['totalClicks']; Using print_r(), var_dump(), or var_export(). See if it contains what you think it should. I also don't think you should be mixing PDO with mysql_real_escape_string. Your ORDER BY variable should also be part of the prepared query.
  23. Your question is very vague, and this here probably scared a lot of people off: Sounds like you're working from a horrible database design, so you're already behind the 8-ball.
  24. Not sure this would work, but my first thought on a simple solution would be to run strip_tags on the form input and compare the length of the resulting string; if it was shorter, then there were tags removed. You could then make the assumption that HTML was submitted and die.
  25. What error is being reported? Most likely it's a "headers already sent" error you weren't seeing on your Windows system because your XAMPP install had output_buffering() on and your hosted account does not.
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