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Everything posted by jazzman1

  1. You have a problem with the first table - filters. To optimize this query we need to know a little about the structure of that table and the current indexes. Give us your results, please! mysql> DESCRIBE filters; mysql> SHOW INDEX FROM filters;
  2. No, you wrong.
  3. 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  4. Hm.... there is no error message, but still nothing happened. I'll continue digging up, maybe the problem now is from a remote one. Thanks guys.
  5. Christian, forget about php. This is only a bash script dumping the file from a mms remote server. It's going to be something like this: mplayer -dumpstream -dumpfile 2012.11.18 -Sunday- (00-00).wmv mms://vod.bgtelevizia.com/vod/onlineBTV-HQ/[bTV] 2012.11.18 -Sunday- (00-00).wmv
  6. Can you give me a simple example reference to the script above? Thank you buddy
  7. I know that Pika, but the syntax error still appears. Ops, new error appears: ERROR: Error parsing option on the command line: -Sunday-
  8. Hey friends, I'm trying to run a video file from mms (microsoft media server) into a linux terminal , but I've got a syntax bash error. How to escape parenthesis and maybe encoding empty spaces? Example : mplayer mms://vod.bgtelevizia.com/vod/onlineBTV-HQ/[bTV] 2012.11.18 -Sunday- (00-00).wmv ERROR: bash: syntax error near unexpected token `(' Example 2 works without any problems: mplayer mms://v3.bgtelevizia.com/onlinebtv?token=4d377bcabbec99de204f68b5dbbba2fd Thank you in advance!
  9. Phone them !
  10. Try, 0 */2 * * * /usr/local/bin/php -f $HOME/minecraft-backups/mcbackup.php > $HOME/minecraft-backups/backup.log 2>&1 Learn about more a cron job schedule from here - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron
  11. Ha-ha-ha, Pika I suspected the same like you, oped up this site, so start searching "range" and found nothing -> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa238507%28v=sql.80%29.aspx After your post I saw that I was looking reserved words in MSSQL @BenardZMEDIA, do you know that phpmyadmin is a not database? Your title is wrong.
  12. jazzman1

    Query Help

    B/s your database is a case sensitive and Barand's used (t2.id = X.table2id), t2.id must be t2.ID. My query is also wrong, it should be something like this SELECT title FROM tabel2 WHERE ID NOT IN ( SELECT table2id FROM tabel3 WHERE table1id = 1 )
  13. jazzman1

    Query Help

    No, you wrong. For userID 1, you should retrieve the titles - Apples and Oranges. For userID 2 - All titles For userID 3 - Oranges and Grapes My solution is simple, SELECT title FROM tabel2 WHERE id NOT IN ( SELECT table2Id FROM tabel3 WHERE tabel1id = 1 )
  14. So, your problem is obvious!
  15. You can use a cron ob to send the php scrips like a demon. In the same way I've sent about 2000 mails to my subscribers in 30 min delay.. Do you need to give you an example about this ?
  16. Wow..... I'm just a stupid man. Thank you Psycho Thanks everyone for your help. Solved!
  17. But, it's alredy a dimensional array. If I'm using the code like below, see the result: $query = 'SELECT * FROM users'; $result = mysql_query($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $menu_array[$row['id']] = array($row['email']=>$row['name']); } function partition( $list, $p ) { $listlen = count( $list); $partlen = floor( $listlen / $p ); $partrem = $listlen % $p; $partition = array(); $mark = 0; for ($px = 0; $px < $p; $px++) { $incr = ($px < $partrem) ? $partlen + 1 : $partlen; $partition[$px]= array_slice($list, $mark, $incr); $mark += $incr; } return $partition; } echo '<pre>'.print_r( partition( $menu_array, 5 ), 1).'</pre>'; Results: Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [jazzman_1@gmail.com] => jazzman ) [1] => Array ( [slippers@gmail.com] => slippers ) [2] => Array ( [tuparov@gmail.com] => tuparov ) ) [1] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [jazzman_2@gmail.com] => jazzman ) [1] => Array ( [jazzman_3@gmail.com] => jazzman ) [2] => Array ( [jazzman_3@gmail.com] => jazzman ) ) [2] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [jazzman_4@gmail.com] => jazzman ) [1] => Array ( [jazzman_5@gmail.com] => jazzman ) [2] => Array ( [jazzman_6@gmail.com] => jazzman ) ) [3] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [jazzman_7@gmail.com] => jazzman ) [1] => Array ( [jazzman_8@gmail.com] => jazzman ) [2] => Array ( [jazzman_9@gmail.com] => jazzman ) ) [4] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [jazzman_10@gmail.com] => jazzman ) [1] => Array ( [jazzman_9@gmail.com] => jazzman ) ) )
  18. Hi friends, assuming that I currently have an array like this, Array ( [0] => Array ( [jazzman_1@gmail.com] => jazzman ) [1] => Array ( [slippers@gmail.com] => slippers ) [2] => Array ( [jazz@gmail.com] => jazz ) [3] => Array ( [jazzman_2@gmail.com] => jazzman ) [4] => Array ( [jazzman_3@gmail.com] => jazzman ) [5] => Array ( [jazzman_4@gmail.com] => jazzman ) [6] => Array ( [jazzman_5@gmail.com] => jazzman ) [7] => Array ( [jazzman_6@gmail.com] => jazzman ) [8] => Array ( [jazzman_7@gmail.com] => jazzman ) [9] => Array ( [jazzman_8@gmail.com] => jazzman ) [10] => Array ( [jazzman_9@gmail.com] => jazzman ) [11] => Array ( [jazzman_10@gmail.com] => jazzman ) [12] => Array ( [jazzman_11@gmail.com] => jazzman ) [13] => Array ( [jazzman_12@gmail.com] => jazzman ) ) What is the best way resorting it and the final result I wanna be exactly like this: Array ( [0] => Array ( [jazzman_1@gmail.com] => jazzman [slippers@gmail.com] => slippers [jazz@gmail.com] => jazz ) [1] => Array ( [jazzman_2@gmail.com] => jazzman [jazzman_3@gmail.com] => jazzman [jazzman_4@gmail.com] => jazzman ) [2] => Array ( [jazzman_5@gmail.com] => jazzman [jazzman_6@gmail.com] => jazzman [jazzman_7@gmail.com] => jazzman ) [3] => Array ( [jazzman_8@gmail.com] => jazzman [jazzman_9@gmail.com] => jazzman [jazzman_10@gmail.com] => jazzman ) [4] => Array ( [jazzman_11@gmail.com] => jazzman [jazzman_12@gmail.com] => jazzman ) ) Thank you in advance! jazz.
  19. You are missing the last brace of the mysql_query function. EDIT: Andy123, sorry for my post
  20. Could you echoing out your $query before to send it to the database and post out the result, please. I suspect that you have a syntax error(s). Also, instead of die('Could not execute INSERT query') use die(mysql_error()).
  21. What kind of transport do you use? Can you show us the script?
  22. Show us other fields from the form and explain in clear English what do you want to do with this...
  23. Yep, the code could be something like that, $numbers = array_map('intval',explode(',', trim($searchText))); foreach ($numbers as &$number) { if (is_int($number) && strlen($number) == 4) { echo "$number is ok"; } else { echo "$number is not a 4 digit number"; } }
  24. For example, $result = mysql_query("Select * from student where rollno = '$rnum'") or die(myslq_error());
  25. I've made 40 registrations last night, so if someone has a interest, he/she could send me a PM. jazz
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