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Posts posted by ober

  1. Actually thorpe, it would appear like he's using strings instead of integers. So the way he had it origionally should work, and he does query the database... it's above the output.

    However, if you truly intend to use integers (0,1), you should change the table and the if statement if it is currently treating those as strings.

    Are you sure any of the fields actually have 0 in them??
  2. $this is a keyword within a class that refers to the classes global variables.

    $this->variable_name = "x"; will set the class's variable equal to x.

    The .= is an append. It will add whatever is past the equals sign to the current string instead of replacing it.
  3. You're going to have to be a little more clear on how you're passing the vars.

    Does the page submit to another page that opens the pop-up, or are you opening the pop-up from the same page?

    If it's the first, you have to make sure that you're filling the javascript function with the posted variables before you open the pop-up.

    If it's the second, you can't use POST variables that way. You'll have to use JS to extract the data out of the form elements.
  4. 1) I don't suggest using ADO. Use the included PHP libraries. From what I've found, they're faster. I'd challenge anyone else to suggest otherwise.

    2) I don't know about taking advantage of the Zend optomizer. I suggest you contact your host about that.

    3) The second option is far more efficient. Keep in mind that everything you pass through a PHP function has to be parsed by the PHP processor. If you send just HTML with PHP mixed in, it will ignore the HTML and hence parse your document faster. And just as a side note, the parenthesis are unnecessary for echos.

    4) <input type="text" name="username" size=30 value="<?PHP echo ($_POST[username]); ?>"> is faster, but it can be done even easier:
    <input type="text" name="username" size=30 value="<?=$_POST['username']?>">
  5. Have a look at this and let us know if you have any issues getting that working:

    [a href=\"http://us3.php.net/manual/en/ref.image.php\" target=\"_blank\"]http://us3.php.net/manual/en/ref.image.php[/a]

    Also, may I suggest another graphing package that I've found to be quite spectacular?

    [a href=\"http://www.advsofteng.com/\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.advsofteng.com/[/a]

    If you don't register it, it just adds a small yellow line under all your graphs with a link to their site. But it is truly powerful.
  6. There are more powerful engines for sending mass emails. I suggest looking into something like the Pear engine or Curl. Using mail() with that many emails is going to bog down your server and will hang the script until the process completes. You could also consider doing batches of emails instead of doing them all at once.
  7. You need to create a loop that will build the radio button groups for you. The name of the group stays the same, and as long as the values are fairly uniform, you can put an if statement inside the for loop to check to see if the database value is equal to the loop value and if it is, echo the checked part, otherwise don't.
  8. Where to begin?

    1) weird nav styling... your links only have an underline when they've been visited, the hover effect is alright, but I'd make the hover color "pop" a little more.

    2) Contact page is nothing but a mailto: link. Why? If the contact page is only going to have a mailto link, why create an entire page for it? Just have the nav link handle the mailto.

    3) I'm surprised to find that you didn't use tables, but it doesn't even come close to validating and you include your CSS file instead of linking it. Bad idea.

    4) What's the point in all the information in the lower left column? That could be added to the nav with a link to more content.

    5) Your welcome message at the top of the main page says "Welcome to Plantofthegods.net". Shouldn't that be "Welcome to PlantSofthegods.net"???

    6) Always have your header image link back to the index.

    7) The photos in the nav on the left... either put a hover border around the whole thing or not at all. I also think all photos should react the same to a hover. Your photos on the index page don't really do anything on hover.
  9. I'd say you took a step back with the latest version of the logo. Buildings and cds don't go together, and you just have 2 blocks up there... it needs to be fluid.

    I'd also drop the idea of using flash. IMO, flash for nav is a bloated and unnecessary option. I quickly found out the other day that flash is used for the dumbest and smallest parts of some sites. When you don't have flash installed or it's not working, it shouldn't hamper me from using your site.
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