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Posts posted by ober

  1. Just make sure your "teamwork" doesn't turn into "hey, I don't know how to do x, so you do that part". At that point, you're not learning anything, just adjusting what's already in your toolbox.
  2. Blue text on a black background... not my first choice. And fire usually isn't associated with computers or programming. You might want to find a picture that represents what you're doing (random people sitting at a computer... something involving a computer... artistic shot of a keyboard... something along those lines). And if you're going to use a black background, use white text.
  3. Then don't expect to get a very positive response from this group. Most of the people that critique here are looking for extremely cross-browser compatible websites. And to be honest, designing otherwise is rather asanine.
  4. It doesn't look all that pixelated... but to say it's boring would be an understatement. The trick is to make it visually appealing but add your name to it. You said you looked at my website... that's the kind of idea I'd push you towards.
  5. When you say it works on your localhost, you mean it works without the variables or with them?

    What is the difference in versions between your development version and the main server version where it fails?
  6. It's all in the manual:
    [!--quoteo--][div class=\'quotetop\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\'quotemain\'][!--quotec--]session.gc_maxlifetime integer

    session.gc_maxlifetime specifies the number of seconds after which data will be seen as 'garbage' and cleaned up.

    Note: If different scripts have different values of session.gc_maxlifetime but share the same place for storing the session data then the script with the minimum value will be cleaning the data. In this case, use this directive together with session.save_path.

    Note: If you are using the default file-based session handler, your filesystem must keep track of access times (atime). Windows FAT does not so you will have to come up with another way to handle garbage collecting your session if you are stuck with a FAT filesystem or any other filesystem where atime tracking is not available. Since PHP 4.2.3 it has used mtime (modified date) instead of atime. So, you won't have problems with filesystems where atime tracking is not available.[/quote]
  7. First off, I'm going to tell you that your database design is incorrect. Having column names like column1, column2, etc is poor, poor design.

    You should have 2 tables:
    table 1:


    That way you can tie as many dates and times to an event as you need to.

    Next, I'm going to tell you that what you want is possible and all you really need to do is then record the first date and time and the duration. In that case, you'd only use one table.

    When you display the calendar, you're just going to have to do a little math to figure out how many days to go and what their date and time will be.

    I suggest you decide on a database design, code up your form to handle the new format, and then come back when you get the point where you're processing it and displaying the calendar.
  8. You're looking for a subquery (and your version of MySQL has to support it so you can do it).

    [code]SELECT first_name AS enrolled
    FROM names n
    WHERE person_id IN (SELECT person_id FROM class_enrollment ce WHERE ce.person_id = n.person_id AND ce.class_id = 72, 1, 0)[/code]

    If your version of MySQL doesn't support subqueries, you can always run the subquery as a seperate query first and use the IN WHERE X IN clause with the ids grabbed from the first query.
  9. Well, first of all, you need to look at your design. What you're doing with a single array doesn't really make sense. You need to use either a 2 dimensional array or use 2 arrays.

    I'm not sure why you're sticking them into an array before you dump them into the database either. If that's coming from some multi-listing form, you could easily setup the form to pass an array to the processing page.

    I'm also not sure if a foreach is what you really want to do here... a simple for loop would get the job done.

    But here is the syntax for a foreach loop:
    [code]foreach($arrayname as $key => $val)
         // $key is the index of the array
         // $val is the value at that index
  10. I agree 100% with everything Steve said, but allow me to add a few of my own.

    1) I think the header graphic may be a bit tall. I didn't check the size on it, but I can imagine it's pretty hefty and you could decrease download times with a slight adjustment there.

    2) Too small is a bad thing. Your left and right columns appear to have a case of shrinking text. The size of the text in the nav along the top is pretty good. The size of the text in the nav on the left is pretty bad. I have pretty good eyes, and not only is it small, it looks blurry at that size. As Steve said, there's no point in having 2 navs in that situation.

    3) mailto: is a bad thing, IMO. It forces the user to have a mail client installed and working. What if I'm at an internet cafe and want to send you a message. I either have to hover over the link and copy the address or click on the link and fight off whatever the computer tries to do with it. A simple contact page is pretty easy to setup.

    It's not a bad looking site, but it is kind of bland. I'd probably throw a line on the insides of outer columns just to break it up a little better.
  11. I don't know that my list is all that important, but since you asked:

    C, VB 6, eMbedded VB, XHTML, CSS, PHP, Assembly (Intel 8085 and a few Motorola specific versions), Javascript, Pascal, Java, and I understand the basics of C#. I've also dabbled a little in Perl and I've looked over a fair amount of .NET stuff, but I personally find it to be a very bloated way to work, hence my work in PHP instead of ASP.NET. You can also throw SQL in there since half of my current job is database work. I've also played with XML a little here and there and it probably wouldn't be much of a leap for me to jump into C++. I've also used a handful of 4th level languages with packages from MTS and D2T and a CAN protocol simulator language.

    Really, once you get a few languages under your belt, it's nothing more than minor syntax changes between different languages.
  12. Well I apologize for calling you "10"... but if you have spent any amount of time working with websites and searching the web for common practices, I'd think you'd come to the conclusion that there is no "one good way" to come up with a plan for a website. All come in different shapes and sizes with different needs. And there's no good way to be taught HOW to do all those different designs other than to look at other people's code and practice.

    I am sorry if I offended you, but sometimes people need that. I had to get slammed down a few times before I realized that I had to do a ton of research on my own to really get what I want. You can't let some turd like me ruffle your feathers. If I did that, I probably would have quit programming back in college. I'm just some guy on the internet spouting off at the fingertips. Who gives a flying F what I think? Far too many people on here do (and I mean if more than 1 does, that's far too many) and once you get past all that and realize that I'm a far bigger goof and less talented than most of you, you'll be better off.

    Honestly, the only way to get what you want is to rummage through a bunch of sites, look at their source and try to reverse-engineer what they did. That's how I learned.
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