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Posts posted by ober

  1. I'm not critcizing you. (and I know you're talking about me) I'm also not making fun of you. Some of your questions have been fairly basic. Ask a pointed question and we can help. And don't get all in a huff and leave. Grow a tougher skin.

    If you thought I was rough on you, good freakin luck with your business.
  2. What are you ... like 10 years old? Look around. There's an entire Website Critique board where I know you've posted your site. There's a Resources thread at the top that has a lot of valuable information in it. As far as website planning, I'm not sure what you're getting at. Layouts? What's included in a normal website? I don't know if that stuff can be taught. You just have to think about how you want it to look and what content you will have. The rest just falls into place.

    Normally that stuff comes in the form of some type of spec written by a client.
  3. Allow me to describe my stream of conciousness when I opened your page:

    "block block block image image image image more blocks horrible image swapping nav slow expanding worthless blocks on the side bad internal scroll bar simple simple simple"

    The whole site is veeeeeeerrrrrrry image heavy and the little effects you have (like the expanding blocks on the side) don't add anything. Your nav images are blurry and unnecessary and the rest of the site is very "blocky" and poorly laid out. I can't tell if you're trying to do full-width or fixed-width.

    I don't get the internal scroll bar. It's annoying and pages are meant to expand so that I only have one scrollbar to deal with (the browser's).

    The only thing I really like about the site is the main graphic. It's sharp and looks professional.

    Things I'd do:

    1) Incorporate some more gray like the logo has.
    2) Kill the white space
    3) Lose the bulky images
    4) Use more css
    5) Lose the backdrop behind your headings
    6) Stick with fixed width and move your left column to the right or vice versa.
  4. Well, the way to search a file for a string is to read it into either a string or an array and search those. As for the most efficient, if you're just looking for a specific string in the entire file, I'd suggest just reading it all into one string.

    In 98% of all other cases, I'd suggest reading it into an array. You can just as easily search the array as well.
  5. [!--quoteo(post=370435:date=May 1 2006, 08:33 PM:name=AndyB)--][div class=\'quotetop\']QUOTE(AndyB @ May 1 2006, 08:33 PM) [snapback]370435[/snapback][/div][div class=\'quotemain\'][!--quotec--]I assume anyone who can speak/write more one language is pretty smart.[/quote]

    While I agree with you on some levels, that's a fairly big assumption.
  6. I'd say you're pretty much screwed. There is no "undo" with MySQL, and phpMyAdmin doesn't have any feature that will help you either.

    This is why people constantly preach about backups. Do it or pay. Looks like you're going to pay.
  7. I edited your title.

    I normally just ignore the bad grammer if I can understand the question. Some people here really butcher the language, but if you can get your point across enough to explain your problem, your question is going to be answered. Do I care? Sometimes. I feel like if you expect to get help from an english-speaking board, you should at least try to get most of the grammer right. And granted, most do, but it seems like some people either just started learning english the day before or they don't really care.
  8. Alright... that makes a little more sense.

    However, might I suggest a slight modification? I assume you have IDs associated with each candidate, correct? I'd suggest using the IDs as the names instead of the candidate names because you're going to run into issues with spaces being converted in the URL and so on and so on.

    Beyond that, I also suggest the following:

    Name your radio button groups like this:
    [code]<input type="radio" name="candidate_'.$arr1['ID'].'" value="1"/>[/code]

    Then in your processing, use a simple foreach loop to pull those out and manage them seperate from your other form elements (if there are any):
    [code]foreach($_POST as $key => $val)
         if(substr($key,0,10) == 'candidate_')
              $id = substr($key,11);
              // run query to get name from ID
              echo "candidate x has been given a rating of $val";

    Does that help?
  9. You're going to have to give us more information, and please use code tags when you post code. Are you getting any errors? Is any of the data showing up in the second table correctly?

    And I can only assume that the PHP code is on a different page after they submit it, correct?
  10. I'm not sure you understand how radio buttons work:

    1) If you have a group of radio buttons, they all have the same name.
    2) The value of the one that is selected will be passed as the result.

    <input type="radio" name="asdf" value="1">blah
    <input type="radio" name="asdf" value="2">blah
    <input type="radio" name="asdf" value="3">blah
    <input type="radio" name="asdf" value="4">blah

    <input type="radio" name="lkjh" value="1">blah
    <input type="radio" name="lkjh" value="2">blah
    <input type="radio" name="lkjh" value="3">blah
    <input type="radio" name="lkjh" value="4">blah

    Then in the post, you'll have $_POST['asdf'] and $_POST['lkjh'] with a value between 1 and 4.

    If that doesn't clear it up, please rephrase your question.

    I think your problem is that you're putting the array value as the name instead of the value.
  11. It looks pretty professional, but you've got a few issues, as mentioned by the others. My main complaint is the initial load. If I had been on dialup, I could have gone and grabbed a sammich by the time it was done loading. > 600kb for the index is simply unnacceptable, especially with the amount of content you have. Most of that should be CSS and text. I'm not even sure where the size is coming from.

    Also, you need to fix your rounded edges on the column header images. Not only is it a poor job of creating the curve, but there's barely enough curve to even notice that there is one. Either remove it and just use CSS or make it more dramatic.

    Short of those few things, it looks really good!
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