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Posts posted by ober

  1. Not sure what "help" section you're referring to but it must be old information.  We do not allow users to delete information.  If you have sensitive information one of the admins or mods can remove it, but otherwise it will remain.  This collection of information is searchable by all of our members and the content of all threads is very valuable to us.


    448191 made some very good points as well.

  2. We are planning to bring the main site back online eventually.  We need to do a rewrite on it and the plans are already forming around that.  I don't know if I agree with taking that forum down, but we could possibly lock it so no one can post there.

  3. 1) We're not going to give you the data

    2) We'll find out if you decide to just take it

    3) Why would you duplicate the information?  That seems inefficient when someone can just come here and search or post their own question.


    The whole idea seems like a waste of time.

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