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Posts posted by ober

  1. Oh, got it... you have to click in the text area before the controls are enabled. 


    Problems I have with it:


    1) The image editor doesn't have a file manager

    2) I don't see an API for it.

    3) "works decent" with AJAX is a major problem for me

    4) It's not nearly as fully functioned as some of the other editors.

  2. Hmm... now we're cooking but I still have a few suggestions:


    1) Move the legend under the listings.  I've never seen a legend in the header of a listing and I think it looks out of place.

    2) Highlight the tab that you're on.  I know it lists it in a big bar but I think you could get rid of that bar and just have the tabs if you change the color of the tab or change the text color of the tab to the active screen.

    3) Get rid of the animated gifs on the "bugs" portion of the window.  It makes me feel like that is constantly updating (like an AJAX thing or something that never finishes loading).

    4) Lose the scroll portions inside the various windows.  That's got to be the most annoying part of any system like this.  I have a scrollbar already... it's in my browser window.  Don't make me move my mouse over that area to scroll that little box.

    5) My priorities window: the "last activity" column wordwraps when it's blank and just looks weird.  Either give that column more width or think of a different word.

    6) Still doesn't span the width of the screen and there doesn't seem to be a very good reason that it doesn't.  I'm using 1280*1024 and 1600 * 1200.

    7) System overview: add links to some of that information so I can look at the overview and drill right down to those areas.

    8) Project creation: Add date selection ability (little popup calendar would be nice) and validate the dates for formatting.  During validation, the priority doesn't stay on what I selected.

    9) Help section could use some help (haha):

    Could not select database:

    Access denied for user 'bgaylor_root'@'localhost' to database 'tickets'



    That should keep you busy for a while.

  3. So I have this rule:


    RewriteRule ^([A-Za-z0-9-]+)$ index.php?req=$1 [L]


    My main site is like index?req=whatever


    What I realized this morning was that if I throw in:




    It puts tries to do the same thing.


    How do I have it ignore the rule if it actually points to a directory?

  4. 1) Don't create a table for each entry.

    2) 90% of that code is the same thing... you can reduce it GREATLY.  Your if portion should only be around the second <td> element.

    3) You're not showing us the loop that pulls from the database.

    4) Are you creating a row that you're not showing us here?

  5. I would say that's very good GCP.  Why do you put it in quotes?  That makes it seem like you don't agree.


    Generally we require class name/author/date created/date updated/inputs/description of methods and what their function is.

  6. Kinda boring when it really comes down to it.  The layout is too high of a contrast (black/white).  You shouldn't really go that far on the color scales, IMO.


    It's very blocky as well and it looks like you pretty much stole most of the graphics from other sites.  There's really not much to critique.

  7. Your domain is your name on the website - and whether or not it has "gay" in it is irrelevant. The domain name isn't catchy and doesn't relate to your site at all.


    I'm giving my critique to you for free (as a typical user). If you don't like my critique than just ignore it. I mean it is you who will lose money and time on this project, not me.

    Cool it, TheFilmGod.  Either critique the website or get out of the thread.

  8. A few things:


    1) The main graphic may look good but not on that background.

    2) The "motto" or whatever you call it is also a bad color for that background... in fact, I'd probably choose a new background completely.  The site is too white/gray.  I'd go with something darker for the background.

    3) Under skills I would expect to see what you have listed under services.  Instead you list your development platform and rattle off a bunch of languages.  Most of the people that are going to come to you don't give a rat's ass what language you program it in.  They just want to hand you some specs and let you deal with it.  And they certainly don't care about your development software (references to LAMP).  I'd drop the skills page and list the technologies under services.

    4) I'd be careful about claiming you can handle "any language".  You could get yourself in a lot of trouble very quickly.

    5) I'd have a native english speaker check your grammar.  It's not what I would consider professional to have poor grammar on your website.

    6) Testimonials are more believable if you can link to the work you've done.  I know this isn't always possible but you should try to do it.  Also, if you only have 2, you may just leave that part out.  If you claim to have all the experience you say you do, you would expect to have more quotes to post.

  9. Not bad.  It looks like you're using a few different fonts.  I'd try to clean that up for consistency.  Otherwise it's fairly clean.  You might consider adding a little more padding to come of the boxes.  All the words kind of mesh together.

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