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Posts posted by ober

  1. In response to:


    1) Mainly the bars (gray)... I didn't realize the banner would be customizable... you might want to throw something in there that looks better from a marketing standpoint.

    2) The bars, the background... the tabs actually look decent.  At a bare minimum, I'd use a background image/color for the top area.

    3) I understand the problem with the tabs... but your lines stop at a certain point.  You can have a left-aligned site and still have the bars and dividers extend the length of the window.

    4) Submitting as a user... I didn't try as admin.

    5) I'm viewing from Firefox (version 3 RC2).  And if you say "screw IE", you're going to piss off more than 50% of the people that would use your product.  I'm a firm hater of IE as well, but reality is reality, my friend.

    6) If you look at the source of the page, there is a bunch of CSS in your <head> tag.  ??

    7) Use CSS for layout?  divs and whatnot...

    8) Again, viewing in Firefox.  I can test it in Opera if you want.


    As for positive feedback... not much.  I like the tabs, that's about it.  There are a lot of other open source ticket systems that are styled much better and operate more effectively than this.  Plus you're still missing a fair amount of functionality.  I'm not going to list them out... just google other ticket systems and look at the features list and compare it to yours.

  2. Overall, I think it's a good concept.  Specific points:


    1) Like dare87, I don't like the scroll inside the scroll.  It's annoying and pointless.  There are ways to get your same effect and avoid the inside scroll.  It's all about positioning.

    2) Some of the pages open up to what appears to be an old design.  You should really stick to one design/layout for the entire site.

    3) The content area could use some padding.  The text is right up next to the edges and it looks unprofessional.

    4) I don't see any way to contact this group without going to the main institution's website.


    Just a few ideas that should help.

  3. Things I don't like:


    1) Graphics are all very poorly done.

    2) You need more color... right now it's a lot of black and gray, very boring.

    3) It doesn't play well with large resolutions. It's all smashed to the left of the screen.

    4) Submitting a ticket should take you to the status area of your tickets, not just show the form again.

    5) Should be cross-browser compatible. I lose respect for developers when they put "works best on X browser" on their sites.

    6) Your CSS should be linked, not in the page itself.

    7) You are using tables for general layout... this is not the best way to go.

    8 ) Your fonts are not consistent: example would be the column contents on the projects screen. They're varying sizes and it does not look uniform.


    Overall it's not a very friendly interface nor is it appealing to look at. To be commercially acceptable, you should probably consider hiring a designer to do some of the interface for you if you can't produce something better than your current attempt (no offense).

  4. you sick

    If you don't have anything useful to add, please don't reply.


    Overall it's pretty decent for what it is.  My only complaint is that the details on the models when you have a bunch of them on screen is difficult to read... like you're squishing an image.


    That and the whole "scroll into view" thing on the main page is kinda cheesy.

  5. Tables have been regarded as the bastardized way to do layout for a website for several years.  Look up CSS.  Tables are meant for tabular data, not defining presentation.

  6. I don't know how much the second part would require of the mod... you could ask Jay if he was still around.


    The first one might be cool but would probably be very skewed.  I'd login and run the query against the DB but I don't really have time at the moment.


    However, I did do a search for threads with [sOLVED] in the title and it returned about 1100... which is a measly 4%.

  7. The main reason we haven't done competitons is the lack of judging effort and the lack of prizes.  I'm not going to throw another competition up until I have dedicated judges and a decent prize to award.


    And if we need to continue to discuss ranks (and I think we're beating a dead horse), we can move it to another thread... m'kay?

  8. Having a position of power here does not equate to brain power.  In most cases it does, but in a lot of cases it means you've proven your worth and you can get stuff done.  Hell, I probably haven't answered a help question on this board in close to 6 months.  But someone has to do the administrative tasks and make decisions.

  9. Typically I'd tear you apart on this site but I'm going to guess that it's all about the shots of the bird and as long as the rest of the site works, who cares, right?


    I will give you some feedback, however:


    1) Gradient city - you use way too many.  You would be better off coloring the various lists at the bottom in different colors.

    2) The counters and "page last updated" typically don't interest anyone but the person developing and maintaining the website.  I'd remove them.

    3) The "news" entries could use a bigger font.  There is a lot to read and you should make it easy on the eyes.  Also, white text on a black background is NOT easy to read for most.

    4) Some pics have the camera/date taken, others do not.  To be consistent, I'd have it all or none (unless you don't have the information on some).

    5) Use a picture as the background of the main header... it will look much sharper than that awful color thingy you have there now.

    6) Be consistent with the color scheme.  You have some orange color at the top, purple at the bottom... yellow/black/blue/... there's no consistency in colors.


    Hopefully this might give you some ideas on where to improve.

  10. People answer whatever topics they have time to and they feel their capable of. Sometimes questions don't get answered because the poster is incapable of asking properly. If I see a topic where there is just a bunch of code with a message saying "help, it doesn't work" or something like that then I usually just leave it. If someone cannot take the time to properly formulate a question along with information such as database structure, error messages, expected behavior and how it actually behaved, then I won't always take my time to help that person. Some of those could be reasons why there are topics left unanswered.

    Heh... that's what I was going to post but I couldn't be bothered at the time.  I thought I'd get clarification so I wouldn't have to type as much.

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