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Everything posted by White_Lily

  1. Thank you - I will take a look at your suggestions. If there's anything else that may be useful for me to know please do say so. More info on what I'm achieving: i have created a site where people can create albums and put images into them (as you do). But I want people to be able to delete images that they no longer want, and I thought maybe the best way to go about this would be to just have a check box next to each image and a delete button at the end of the page so that they can click on the check box of any images they wish to delete, then click delete and a small deletion script will run the process and delete any images that the user had checked, if there's is a simpler way of doing please do let me know.
  2. Would be much easier if you skipped the coloring and just copied the code into the code tags.
  3. Really security isnt really a problem atm, you cant secure something that isnt there lol
  4. Hmm, you would not get it so that when you click submit it tries to identify which checkboxes have been ticked, then you would use a different page to display the selected data, may i also suggest that all input fields/checkboxes etc need to be within the <form></form> tags
  5. please re-post and use the code tags around your code blocks, so much more easier to read that way.
  6. guna have to read up on those functions, never used them - thanks though
  7. Hi, i was just wondering how i go about deleteing multiple fields/columns/rows using checkboxes... say i had a list of names, i wondered to just click a checkbox and then press a button named "Delete" at the bottom of the page that would then *obviously* delete the selected rows how would i do this?
  8. there are many ways. the most common is just put a red " * " next the field name, and use simple php validation to check whether the entry is already in use in the database or whether the user has actually entered anything into the field when submit is triggered, and you can also use it check whther the charaters the user input are characters that are accepted
  9. Suggestion: make sure the "pass-key" is actually visible in the url of the page, if its not - theres your problem
  10. Quick help with Chiristian's method: Use "User Types" e.g: 0 for normal user, 1 for moderators, 2 for admin, 3 for webmaster. The code is basic: <?php $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM employees"); $fetch = mysql_fetch_assoc($query); if($fetch["user_level"] < 0){ //display this }else{ //display this } ?>
  11. You could try str_replace() e.g: <?php $order_total = "$10"; $order_total = str_replace("$", "", $order_total); echo $order_total; ?>
  12. So take a backup of the site & database before making changes? (Which is what most people and companies do anyway).
  13. But then again, what if you debug it locally, and the files become corrupt? youd have to rebuild it all over again, so either way whether you edit online or offline your still guna have pretty much the same risks lol As for keeping users offline while debugging online, which you rather: have the problem there staring every user in the face, or take the site down while you fix the problem so that error doesnt occur anymore?
  14. Solution: Keep a copy of the site on your local hard drive, re-upload if something goes wrong...
  15. Live server debugging is fine, but make sure that a username and password is needed to enter the site. (an example of this is heartinternet's own control panel which allows you to add a username and password to the site which people need before seeing any content).
  16. for the variables, eg: $go, just because a field has that name doesnt make it a variable instead use this: if($_POST["go"] == 1){ //code } Also your submit button, why the such long name? whats wrong with "submit"? To check if a form is submitted, do this: if($_POST["submit"]){ //code } Lastly, why the check for "go == 1" anyway? since youve defined it as 1, there is no need for the check as it will always be 1.
  17. Its exactly the reason why i now write my own coding, with pre-written code it is very difficult to edit most of the scripts, and you dont know your way around. Whereas if you write it yourself you know your way around the process, if you get errors and read the error message properly you know what its talking about, and you know how the script handles the data should there be a complication further along the line. Seriously instead of copying someone else, write your own - so much easier than it looks.
  18. your new to php and you figured out all that...? Chirsitian: I think he is having problems cutting and pasting... lol
  19. As for the MySQL Database setup, it is easier the have all employee information in say a "Employees" table, so for example, You have a registration system, every user that enters information and hits submit will then be added to a database table named "Members" or "Users". As for the forms themselves they are as simple as you make them, how the forms are used and handle the data is down to the way you code the CMS, i also am developing a CMS at the moment, that other users will be able to "plug-into" their site, and use accordingly.
  20. In xamps built in php.ini file between lines 350 and 650 there should a lot of error reporting (most of which is rubbish and un-needed for most sites) you need to have display_errors set it "On" and error_reporting should already have the needed values entered. You will then to go into the xmaps web-server control panel and switch the "Apache" plugin off, then wait 10-20 seconds and switch it back on, reload your page and it should work.
  21. You could this in a function, however functions are only really useful if this same thing is used throughout the entire site. Other than that I don't think it can be any cleaner
  22. I've never really liked pre-written code - so all i am going ot suggest is that you look into creating your own login/registration forms, i would be more than happy to help you with this.
  23. Could you copy and paste the whole code related to this snippet? eg: where is $imap?
  24. For starters shouldn't it all be validated whether they check yes or no? Why are you using javascript to do this? and what exactly is it your trying to achieve and what is the problem? is the problem inserting the data into a database, or selecting the data? lastly, i used your "Demo" page, and they only thing that happened was i picked my country and city, and then that was it ... nothing else happened, seemed pointless really.
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