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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. Read this http://www.stuffandnonsense.co.uk/archives/css_specificity_wars.html
  2. put the right menu div before the content in your html
  3. I need help help help. I am now having major porblems with IE6 and it has to work OK in IE6 for the clients... The site I am working is here: http://anr.wesayhowhigh.com I have multiple IE's on my machine (from tredosoft0 so I can test in older IE versions) problem is when I hit any link in teh top nav IE crashes. My buddy has ie 6 which doesn't crash BUT when he views the site he gets the png backgrounds instead of teh gifs I did especially for ie6. I am at a loss to explain either so I could really do with some pointers... Thanks in advance - I REALLY appreciate any comments what so ever (apart from nasty ones that is - they make me sad!!!)
  4. You do need <ul> because li is a LIST item and as such belongs to a LIST (UNORDERED or ORDERED).. The original poster shoudl check to see if there is any css being applied to the page - look for list-style-type: none (or image) and padding/margin on the list items.
  5. not a php function - php executes erver side and is all done and dusted by the time the users sees a page. For interaction on teh page you use javascript... You can however use javascript in an ajax request to execute some php code without sending a whole new page request.
  6. your code doesn't validate - the first th is not contained withing a row. validate your markup first and then see if its still bad (PS tables for layout is IMO not very good! stick to css layouts)
  7. cheers thorpey! I couldn't find a db wide soluntion other than what you suggested - thanks.
  8. OK this is one I normally get - but this has proved elusive.... the footer of teh page on two pages of the site don't show in ie6 - tried the hasLayout fixes but as yet to no avail... The offending pages are: http://www.quest4fame.com/video http://www.quest4fame.com/categories Just can't figure it out and would really appreciate a bit of help... cheers everyone
  9. Hi, I need a little help - I need to replace every occurance of & p o u n d ; in a database with the £ sign. Is there a query I can run to do this or must I use a REPLACE and do each table and field individually? Many thinks in advance.
  10. This is the query I ended up with (just a couple of minor alterations in field names etc) and it works like a charm. SELECT `media`.* , `user`.`username` , `sections`.`url` , `sections`.`string_key` , DATEDIFF(NOW(), `media`.`added`) AS `period` FROM `media` , `user` , `sections`, ( SELECT DISTINCT(`categories`) , MAX(`media_id`) as `latest` FROM `media` GROUP BY `categories` ) AS `x` WHERE `media`.`flag` != 'm' AND `user`.`user_id` = `media`.`user_id` AND `user`.`active` = 'y' AND `media`.`categories` = `x`.`categories` AND `media`.`media_id` = `x`.`latest` AND `sections`.`section_id` = `media`.`categories` ORDER BY `media`.`added` DESC MANY THANKS!!!!
  11. Barand... Thanks for the reply... That query (I think) does the business but returns multiple duplicate entries. I'd love a little precis on what the query is doing as I 'kind of' get what its doing but not totally... ANyway and update... I tried this... SELECT DISTINCT(`media`.`categories`) , `media`.* , `user`.`username` , `sections`.`url` , DATEDIFF(NOW(), `media`.`added`) AS `period` FROM `media` , `user` , `sections` WHERE `media`.`flag` != 'm' AND `user`.`user_id` = `media`.`user_id` AND `user`.`active` = 'y' GROUP BY `media`.`categories` ORDER BY `media`.`added` DESC with some success (it appears the distinct coming first in the select clause is important). How ever it selects the earliest records in the dataset rather than the latest. Would anyone be so kind as to suggest why?
  12. SELECT `media`.`media_id` , `media`.`user_id` , `media`.`media_key` , `media`.`type` , `media`.`title` , DISTINCT(`media`.`categories`) , `user`.`username` , `sections`.`url` , DATEDIFF(NOW(), `media`.`added`) AS `period` FROM `media` , `user` , `sections` WHERE `media`.`flag` != 'm' AND `user`.`user_id` = `media`.`user_id` AND `user`.`active` = 'y' ORDER BY `media`.`added` DESC
  13. sorry didn't make it clear... There are many categories 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 etc etc and multiple entires in each category... so there could be 20 in cat 3 and 17 in cat 8 what I need is the last entry from each category. PS I also need to select data from a couple of other tables in the query too but when ever I use more than one field in the select part for the query and have a DISTINCT on one of them the query fails.... Sorry for not being clear.
  14. OK I have no life until this gets done so pretty please help me out!!!! I have a table or items and I need to select all fields from the table but distinct values from just one field eg. many items and numerous occuencies of a category - I want the last entry from each category. Any help much appreciated.... (I know I have done this before but just can't get it...)
  15. it'll take you 2-3 days of to get to grips with css layouts - and it will be the best time you'll spend in the world of web building....
  16. mysql_real_escape_string - that does it all for you. EXCEPT - I did read an article recently (which I can't locate right now) stating that if you entered the utf8 (either that or a similar character code) for a single quote then it is not escaped by mysql_real_escape_string but is evaluted as a single quote in a string and hence would permit injection. Inject is only really a problem with select queries anyway - inserts and updates would only be affected in rare situations where your construction of the query string allowed the user inputted string to affect which/howmany rows were affected....
  17. you can't use - in var names the must be alphanumeric or underscore and must not start with a number... if this is your html... <html> <body> <form action="formGet.php" method="get"> Value1: <input type="text" name="field1_name"> <input type="Submit"> </form> </body> </html> then your code needs no be... <?php echo "testing placing data into a variable"; $field1_name=$_GET['field1_name']; ?>
  18. http://www.javascript-coder.com/window-popup/javascript-window-open.phtml
  19. tables are terrible for buildin web sites - almost as bad as iframes!!! Go and learn some css layout techniques and leave 1998 behind.
  20. I think what the others are syaing is that you are not asking a specific php question - this is a development strategy question which could apply to asp as much as php... So why don't you go and ask it in the application design/layout section... PS Don't expect anyone to actually give you a full definitive answer - this place is to help people having a problem - it is NOT to do your work for you.
  21. people on here will hep you when you are stuck - they WON'T do your work for you...
  22. $_SESSION['entrypoint'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; change to $_SESSION['entrypoint'] = !isset($_SESSION['entrypoint']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : $_SESSION['entrypoint'];
  23. faaaaaaaaarrrrrr tooooo big to get into... this page may help you out a little... http://www.netbrix.net/archives/20
  24. start your sessions from the initial vistit and record a session var with the initila url.
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