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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. meta refresh - sorry don't like them and the can be circumvented...
  2. Assuming all manner of thinsg - but I have in the past encountered installations where teh number of rows being 0 it has been evaluated as FALSE and spitting out an error. These I guess were the little idiosyncrasies of the installations - with a query that was perfectly well formed I might add.
  3. Agreed but I find it useful with num_rows - some servers will throw an error if the number of results is 0 - because they were set up by a 3 year old.....
  4. If you are a Lincoln City Fan then.... It can't be done - you are over stretching your tiny little mind... Otherwise... You shoudl really think and plan your app more before you start.... I have a login script which posts to the same page - if my filtered data input checks out I either show success or simply send a header to send the to another page (use the latter if they have requested a secure page so I can redirect back to it after login) OR show the form again with any error messages...
  5. if (@mysql_num_rows($GetCommercial) == 0) { // do new loop } else { // do you present loop }
  6. looks like more of a candidate for xml + xslt... without the FULL html you can't guarantee styling will be anything like consistent enough.
  7. ToonMariner


    Hi guys n' gals... My firts post in here and I wanr you I AM A TOTAL SPAZ at this stuff... Anyway working on a site hosted by Dreamhost. Its video stuff so I have installed mencoder ffmpeg flvtool2 lame etc etc. I have a couple of questions... I can run the mencoder from the command line successfully BUT when I run it from a php exec command it doesn't work. Each time I login I have to enter the folowing so that the correct apps are used... export TMPDIR=$HOME/tmp export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/lib:/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export CPATH=$HOME/include:/usr/local/include:$CPATH export LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/lib:/usr/local/lib:$LIBRARY_PATH Now I need to set the PATH permanently - I did post on the forums on there and a guy replied saying I shoudl look at Invocation in men bash... Problem being that I would LOVE to know what the hell he is on about. Apologies but if anyone could be so kind I kinda need a hand holding session on this... Thanks you lovely lovely people.
  8. just use mysql_pconnect if this is to avoid teh overhead of connecting to teh mysql server on each request then perhaps have a look at using the mysqli library
  9. There are many ways to skin a cat - but first you must decide is the cat worth skinning? You could use php to exec() a command that would play a sound on your pc or call an app that would do the same thing OR write a script that monitors the access log - (not too frequently mind) and if a new entry exists then play the sound.
  10. what do you mean teh code is visible on screen? do you mean you can see php code in your markup? or do you mean you want to hide all teh flash vars being sent to the swf? If its the latter I suggest that you look a retrieving data within the swf using xml (the xml can be generated by a php script called by the swf) to generate the info. It could be that you place all the data you need in a session variable, call the php script that generates the data and then clear those session vars - unless someone knows what the session vars are called they will be unable to see what info is being sent...
  11. my first google result for 'php login script'... http://www.roscripts.com/PHP_login_script-143.html
  12. @premiso ??? href= is FAR MORE LIKELY to be a link or mail to as that is what is needed! - otherwise you'd match urls to images that shoudl be displayed.... @dave If you only need it on the text the user enters then run the regex on the text they enter rather than the whole body of the email.
  13. if ($handle = opendir(DOCROOT . 'global/images/content')) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ( $file != '.' && $file != '..' ) { echo $file . <br />; } } closedir($handle); }
  14. if (preg_match('/ href=/',$mail->Body) { echo 'OI! Armstrong! NO! You not in your luna module now sunshine!'; } else { $mail->Send(); }
  15. Hey be fair - it could be information from a bank manager in Ghana who is sitting on a tidy sum left in an account by someone who has recently passed and has no relatives. Hey, if all the guys needs are my bank details and some dodgy proof I am related to someone and I can get my grubby little hands on his cash - HELL I WANT THAT EMAIL...
  16. document.write('<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" onClick="this.disabled=true;">');
  17. You'd have to parse the html and remove any bits you didn't want - to do that you'd need php and a BRILLIANT regular expression...
  18. Apologies - I thought the partial transparency thing was the desired effect. I don't like the proprietary crap either but when it comes to ie6 i fear there is little choice...
  19. png-24 i think is what you need... are you using save as or save for web??? the latter gives you all teh options you'll need.
  20. much as I hate it - if you get hold of a copy of clipshare that has all the bits in you need - think it uses mencoder to create the flv but you can do that with ffmpeg too. all the code is in there including the command needed for ffmepg/mencoder.
  21. some code or even better a link would help...
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