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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. http://www.satzansatz.de/cssd/onhavinglayout.html give your div that is 'hidden' a css property that triggers hasLayOut.
  2. eeeeeeuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccccccchhhhhhhh Where are the filedsets and labels?????? you don't need (nor should you use) a table to layout a form (remember tables are for displaying tabular data). I often have a bit of bother grouping labels together with their input with out a div but on the whole my forms are of the following structure... <form> <fieldset> <legend>Login Details</legend> <label for="username">Username:</label> <input type="text" name="username" id="username" value="defaultval" /> <label for="password">Password:</label> <input type="password" name="password" id="password" /> </fieldset> </form> Obviously with other fieldsets and submit buttons etc... But you can style that lot to yield a beautifully layed out form.
  3. links in css must be declared in teh followinig order... a a:link a:visited a:hover a:active
  4. why are you not simply using input type="hidden" for these fields? if you want something to not show then don't show it in the firts place. danger is ofcourse that people can play around with html by saving the source on their machine, editiong it and then viewing the page in their browser and submitting. in theses case you should try and check the refering page (not always possible) and do some good validation on the datasubmitted.
  5. hmmmm, I was thinking of flying over and doing some bitch slapping but on relection I suppose that would be fairly infantile so for the time being yes
  6. when you first load the page and don't see any content... if you hold left mouse can you select all the content that should be there??? if so it sounds like the old hasLayout problem... if so the element that is not showing you must add some css to give it 'hasLayout' not valid css but just to check give the element zoom: 1; if everything shows up then you'll have to find anothe css property to apply (like giving it a border).
  7. dbrim.... et tu brute? you can do this with css layouts - its just a case of positioning the elements correctly - bottom line is over all tableless layouts are far to work with BIG FULL STOP.
  8. the attribuet is not valid in xhtml. browser will still read it and render but if there were a browser that FORCED complance it would fail. height, width, border, margin, padding background, colour etc etc etc are style related and as such should be in your css NOT your html. ANYTHINg to do with how teh element should look should be in your style sheet
  9. HUMBUG! I reckon you can learn sufficent skills in css and tableless layouts to produce womething pretty sweet inside 3 days. that design is relatively simple. Wht you need to do is sit down and develop the CONTENT FIRST then go and STYLE it.
  10. not enough time in the year to deal with html soup! that markup is such a mess it would take some time to sort - I suggest you post in the freelance section and pay someone - I doubt anyone will do it for free...
  11. Sorry dude but this stuff is straight forward... when it says stuff like '2.Error Line 40, Column 104: there is no attribute "BORDERCOLOR".' that means you have used bordercolor and its not valid!!! if the parser is highlighting a '>' it could be you are not using singleton tags - where the elemnet has no closing element you should finish teh tage with ' />' or it may be an error in the markup just before that '>'. rule of thumb - tags should ONLY contain id's or classes unless they are interactive elements (form elements or those that specify external sources like img, iframe(hate them) etc.
  12. you can't stop people doing stuff like that - design your site so that text re-sizing doesn't get destroyed...
  13. ToonMariner


    My top tip is to use a strict doc type (I use xhtml 1.1) which forces ie6 into standards complaint mode. Now don't get excited - it still aint fully compliant then but it does reduce the amount of difference between browsers. In most cases this leaves me with one style sheet and a few redeclarations in an ie 6 style sheet that I include with a conditional somment. Of late I have very rarely used a further style sheet for ie6 (not just because I can't wait for it to disappear but because the look and feel of the ie6 rendering is close enough to what I want).
  14. My question is why are using a separate style sheet??? OK this is my opinion but consistency within a site is one of the key pointers to its success - I would suggest you restyle the 'pop-up' so it fits in with teh rest of yoru site - or add teh styles from the popup to teh main style sheet maybe alter the od class and id and make it fit. instead of looking for crappy solutions to work with what you have - try developong what you have to work nicely...
  15. nope - you should NOT reference string indexes like that anyway $_POST['t1'] is corrent and while $_POST[t1] may work the php dudes ahev stated that iy shouldn't be used in case they intoduce some kind of config settng that uses that string... $_POST['E_ALL'] and $_POST[E_ALL] is an example....
  16. seo is all about how you page content and titles (and still meta data - but not so much!0 tie up with each other. people charge mega £'s for this so you will have to go research it yourself I am afraid - SEO is more art than science - but the art is application of science!!!! good look...
  17. is there no way to collate all these parameters and grab ALL the bits in one request? That shoudl be much faster than calling the function over and over again, creating the connection (which is where the time will kill you)? Alternatively some ajax that just grabs the content once it is requested would be an excellent solution - if js is on that is!
  18. Hi people - I am need of a little flash help (very urgent) - if you can give me a hand with a very simple dynamic flv player please contact me (msn if poss) toonmariner@hotmail.com.
  19. sorry but as soon as I saw the table layout and transitional doctype I had to turn away.... the 'white shadow' is because ie6 doesn't support png partial transparency - goofle iepngfix for the solution to that one. ie6 works in quirks mode unless you use a good dtd to make it work in strict mode - try a dtd like xhtml 1.1 and you should then see a increase in the 'likeness' of your site in ie and ff.
  20. perhaps you should read what the errors say, go through them one by one, and recify the issue.
  21. hmmmmm this is another one where your html form can really help can you give us a snippet of the previous form so we can see where/how the posted values are generated.
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