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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. Mate - ie5 is dead - the only people who use it are developers checking that there stuff works in ie5! If someone INSISTS on using that browser to visit your site then they deserve everything they get - ie6 has been available for too long for them to not have upgraded... ITS THEIR PROBLEM NOT YOURS.
  2. I work with a graphic designer who INSISTS that its right and proper to have this kind of design for a web page. As a developer and long time user of the internet I don't like sites that are limited in their function by implementing a height declaration. If you don't want a site design to be destroyed by lower resolution screens don't use anything that will be destroyed by lower resolution screens. People using Macs have (the vast majority of the time) significantly more screen space than the average pc user - you therefore are left with large gaps at the bottom of short pages and think it looks wrong - unfortunately the majority of people viewing the site will see something perfectly acceptable. The design you have created is pretty good - let it do its own thang.
  3. I stopped reading as soon as I saw the word 'frames'....
  4. You shoudl strive to work with xhtml 1.1 (IMO of course - and NO I shall NOT be using html5 when it gets here cos it sounds like its going to be arse).
  5. have you tried putting a clear after the contents of the div? <div id="content_left"> dudeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa a a aaaaaaaaaaa a a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa<br> dude<br> dude<br> dude<br> dude<br> dude<br> dude<br> dude<br> dude<br> dude<br> dude<br> </div> <div id="content_right"> right<br> right<br> right<br> right<br> right<br> right<br> right<br> </div> <div style="clear: both;"></div> I personally would give it a class and do teh clear in the css so you can use it over and over again...
  6. the answer is no you can't - not with css. You could use javascript to set the overflow to hidden and then place images whith mouse over events and let js do teh scrolling - but that is you only realistic option.
  7. well browsers only add the left-right scroller when an element in the page demands it. Look at your source code and see if this added text is full of no-break spaces - if so you will need to revisit your php and make sure it doesn't add them.
  8. the whole exotic kaboodle! a link to a pge where we can see it all in action is probably the best thing you can provide.
  9. if you are just inserting the current time use NOW() in teh mysql query and don't bother with any of teh php date stuff - its unnessesscary!
  10. well if you are not using the current date and time you need to use date('Y-m-d H:i:s', mktime(#timestamp of your date/time#))
  11. date in mysql is YYYY-MM-DD if you use date time its YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS make sure your php dates reflect that - date('Y-m-d') or date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
  12. All you need in your html is <div id="overlay"></div> put it right before the ending body tag as its not important... in your css ad this. body { position: relative; } div#overlay {position: fixed; bottom: 0px; width: 100%; height: ~IMAGE YOU ARE USING~; background: transparent url(relative/path/to/image) no-repeat 0 0;} you will need some javascript like [url=http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/fixedPosition.html]this[/url] and the iepngfix [url=http://www.twinhelix.com/css/iepngfix/]here[/url] to make this work in ie6...
  13. link? and this is css not php
  14. no there is no solution to your problem with just css... you can set a background colour as well as an image - this can create some nice effects if you have a couple of sides of your image that are the same colour... if you could provide and example of what you want then that would help enourmously...
  15. can we have a link to the page please? I like to play with my web developer tool bar on them to sse whats going on...
  16. assuming that all the tags on the 'left hand side are in a separate div to others... give that div an id (eg id="leftpanel") then in css div#leftpanel a, div#leftpanel a:link, div#leftpanel a:visited { .... } div#leftpanel a, div#leftpanel a:hover, div#leftpanel a:active { .... } this will only aply the style to those elements make sure you don't redeclare a selector after this that will impace on the style (i.e. don't declare another set of a styles without another selector before them).
  17. hmmm another 'should have used css layout' story.......
  18. css div#cont { background: transparent; }
  19. hmmmm I use ffmpeg to do some conversion of mp3 on upload - sometimes the mp3's I upload directly won't play in my flash player... any way this spits oout all kinds of info about the file just google ffmpeg - of course you will need access to run exec on your server and to install the ffmpeg app... (upload really I don't think it needs installing.)
  20. I use a db table (but think I will switch to xml) but similar philosphy - I have a field for each language and each row has the string for a key specified and the strings in each langauge - I load these into an array and simply use a key to echo out the correct string... (only load the field for the specified language into the array.)
  21. hold on a minute - why is xhtml going to die out???? I use xhtml 1.1 and it does wonders for my sites... was teh big deal of teh content type??? just set it to application/xhtml+xml - there job done. Browsers then know what they are dealing with. IMO xhtml is fantatsic (thats why I use it) and although I don't bother with all the valid xhtml/css/wcga emblmes I do code to meet the criteria. Safe in teh knowledge that my sites are now forward compatible I sleep very well. PLUS the efect xhtml1.1 has on ie6 and how it renders - no probs with absolute positioning (bar z-index everynow and then). xhtml is the future html5 will be a bag of wbank - trust me;)
  22. you should rea\lly use javascript for opening new pages - this is to do with visually impaired people who may get 'lost' if windows open without warning and they may never visit your site again.
  23. label { float: left; text-align: right; width: 8em; } input.txt { margin-left: 8.5em; } tables are very difficult to work with compared to css. The ONLY reason people still think tables are easier to work with is because they don't try it with css....... applying a css based layout you allow your siteto be visted by handheld media - or define a print style sheet to change how the page should print... bottom line is divs/css are easier to work with once you know how - its just the learning bit that people shy away from - stating such [ludicrous] things as 'tables are more accurate' or 'easier to work with'. I am on a crusade but I know I can't make you go and do this - you have to want it. That increased skill in web development will save you years of work down the line - promise!
  24. your curly parenthesis are not matched up... if you indented your code you'd be able to see where you have started and ended a block of code and where you have missed the closing brace.
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